Anonymous ID: b9aa84 Jan. 5, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.253513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3526 >>3527 >>3528 >>3661 >>3673

List of nicknames used by Donald Trump




Little Rocket Man - Kim Jong-un

Mad Alex - Alex Salmond





Crazy Megyn - Megyn Kelly

Dopey Sugar - Alan Sugar

Dumb as a Rock Mika - Mika Brzezinski

Little George - George Stephanopoulos

Little Katy - Katy Tur

Psycho Joe - Joe Scarborough

Sleepy Eyes - Chuck Todd

Wacky Glenn Beck - Glenn Beck





1 for 38 - John Kasich

Al Frankenstein - Al Franken

Big Luther - Luther Strange

Crazy Bernie - Bernie Sanders

Crooked Hillary/Lyin' Hillary/Heartless Hillary - Hillary Clinton

Cryin' Chuck - Chuck Schumer

Jeff Flakey - Jeff Flake

Leakin' James Comey - James Comey

Liddle' Bob Corker - Bob Corker

Little Marco - Marco Rubio

Low Energy Jeb - Jeb Bush

Lyin' Ted - Ted Cruz

Pocahontas/Goofy Elizabeth Warren - Elizabeth Warren

Puppet Jones - Doug Jones

Sloppy Steve - Steve Bannon ~NEW~

Wacky Congresswoman Wilson - Frederica Wilson





Amazon Washington Post - Washington Post

Clinton News Network - CNN

Deface The Nation - Face The Nation

Failing New York Times - The New York Times