BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 6, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.261052   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Q wasn't always accurate on 4chan or when he posted here for that matter.

Q verified himself many many times and didn't make shit up as he went along.

>Or on the storm.

The storm was LARP Q dumbass.

>So you must think he's been a larp all along.


>Whether he is a larp or not, he's brought a ton of people to the truth. And a lot more people are waking up.

LARP Q has said nothing worthwhile about the elites, nothing about the President and nothing about what the military is doing. No information of value at all.

>In short, he's doing a good thing. I'm sad for this board, it used to be great and helpful.

Nobody cares about your opinion of this board anon. Least of all me.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 6, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.261053   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1054


>This is the theory I favour as well. However, we don't know enough to know who of from where etc. The tip-top prediction was interesting because it suggests a serious degree of closeness to trump. If we assume for the moment trump is still roughly /ourguy/, the closeness and influence the tip-top prediction implies does make me wonder if larp-q is explicity pro clowns.

larp-q is explicitly pro-trump and anti-clowns. tip-top is confirmation bias. When real Q used a phrase beforehand, he would point it out after Trump had used it, not leave it to anons to do so. And he would not leave it to some anon to choose what the President needed to say. It was requested for SOTU. It didn't happen in SOTU.

>If he's getting his intel, who is he getting it from? Is he just your standard larper who knows most of the redpills and can reformat + dig for some genuine truth, or is he being fed it by a "faction"? And if it's a faction, is it pro or anti clowns?

The information density in larp-q's posts is so poor that there's only really one single prediction I can think of worth chasing and that's John Perry Barlow. But that could have just been a guess. There's plenty of other guesses that have been wrong like Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

>I don't think we have enough information to be certain larp-q is pro clowns, although I do agree he's acting weird as fuck. One possibility that occured - if you hand the Q account trips etc over to "larpers" who then fuck about with it, you could essentially use that as crude stenography. I agree (((they're))) still probably watching it closely, but it might still be serving some purpose we don't understand.

There was no handover - someone cracked the trip pw with serious hardware and gave it to the current morons running it. Original Q may have been removed from the executive office of the presidency when Adm Rogers retired.

>It's also not impossible it's just a total larp since ~5th Jan, but the intel he clearly still has makes it interesting.

Four or five pieces. Maybe. Not even as good as random guessing. There's a couple of anons who pretend to be Q on /qresearch/ and from what I've seen, they actually have better information than the current Q, which is embarrassing. I think they're wasting their time with that board but hey, each to his own.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 7, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.261057   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1058 >>1059 >>1060

>It was requested for SOTU, but that's actually relatively important, they're not just going to let anons choose what he says for it. But some random easter thing? That's more manageable. And by not acknowledging it he avoids easy media hate by taking requests from the "neo-nazi" basket weaving forums. I agree there's some oddities, but they exist for both theories. I just don't think it's impossible we're missing something.

Oh for sure. There's a whole lot of questions that need answering and I'm very open to being corrected.

>To my mind there are three logical theories

>He was essentially what he claimed, but he's been compromised

>He's gone dark for some unknown reason and things are proceeding normally(/ish), and he feels no need to correct the record.

It might be a combination of these two. Q was an adult and left the running of the board, the moderation and the details of 8chan to the anons. He didn't ever feel the need to reply to trolls or to even get involved in the details. It just wasn't his bailiwick. His only concern was whether he could post or not and whether anons were understanding the crumbs properly. I specifically advised Q, more than once, not to post on 8chan after all this happened. It was clear that Codemonkey was either a traitor or breathtakingly incompetent and Q's security would have been seriously undermined if he continued to do so. It's telling that the changes CM has made to the codebase in the last three months haven't been committed to the public repository on Github.

>There was no handover - someone cracked the trip pw with serious hardware

>Is there any certain proof for this particular piece? I'm not trying to not go looking for evidence here, I've read your entire fake-Q thread, I just can't remember any specific evidence proving it was hacked beyond perhaps some Q posts in nov/dec 17 talking about people attempting to break the codes? If there's no hard evidence that could have been a ploy. Again unlikely i agree, but I'm trying to differentiate between certainties and probabilities.

No hard evidence - just a guess of mine. The timing is about right. It took roughly 20 days for Q's first password to be cracked and it took the same time for the second one as well. The crack was probably someone with ASIC hardware and a sophisticated attack against MD5. If you had the money and the knowhow, you could probably hire a supercluster of AWS instances each with 24x1090 TITAN X boxes and crack it that way.

>I think something like this is a good guess, although I'm interested to know what it means in the long run. In some circumstances it's a shame we don't get more news, in others we're probably pretty fucked. It would be useful to try to narrow down which of the two it is.

It's been clear from the start of Q's drops in late Oct that this was a massive global operation against the cabal, the like of which history has never seen before. The fact that many millions of ordinary people are at least aware of some of the details of what's been done means Q can say mission accomplished. I would certainly like more information about what's currently happening but it's not hard to see what's up for the rest of the year:

  • Iran will have a regime change. The people have had enough of the mullahs. If it's peaceful, great. If it's by force, then the GCC with help from the US will get it done. bin Salman's comments about Israel tell us that SA and Israel have made major progress in understanding. Peace is about to break out in the Middle East and it will be glorious.

  • Sessions and the IG will be dealing with the major scandals currently being investigated: Uranium 1, the Awans, the FBI and the election, voter fraud, the Clinton Foundation, the MSM's corruption and so on.

  • Dem criminality will be dealt with before the midterms. POTUS is absolutely going to go there. After he's done, the results of the midterms will be quite irrelevant to the US - and the world.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 7, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.261061   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1065


>That's interesting too, I wasn't aware of that. I though 8ch was designed to be open source, or something similar? Definitely strong support for the (((honeypot))) idea.

Repo is here:

Latest commit 317461c on 12 Oct 2017.

Users on /sudo/ are NOT happy about this reticence from CM.

>The only problem I have with the above sections is why has Q not made new attempts to establish contact? I don't believe he needed the anons to "solve" puzzles - as you say he was interested in making sure we understood them, and extracted the information we needed to. We weren't (or were only very rarely) providing him with any new information. So why not attempt to reestablish contact? He's definitely wary of being compromised, and attempting to anonymously confirm yourself as Q could be difficult. But I'd have expected at least an attempt.

I did too which is why I then thought perhaps he couldn't for some reason. Then I saw the piece in the Daily Mail about ppl being removed from the exec office of the Presidency on Jan 4 around the same time Adm Rogers announced his retirement and I came up with the theory that he really can't get in touch any more, at least not via a chan. But I don't know for sure.

>I mostly agree with this - SHA1 based trips were definitely not secure against determined opponents. But I think the timescales might vary a fair bit between opponents in the modern age. Am I right in thinking that at least one of the people who got close to cracking trueQ's trip was some random /pol/ anon?

Yes - some /pol/ anon from Oz. Pic related.

>As you say with better hardware you can drop the time quite considerably, and I suspect a national level organisation could probably reduce the time required by somewhere between 0.25-1 orders of magnitude by throwing supercomputers at it. If at least one of the attempts was by someone random, even determined, I'd guess a truly serious attack would crack it much, much faster.


>I think the scale of the DDOS attack that was launched vs wikileaks gives a decent idea how much computing power / resources these people have to throw at problems. But then I'm also not convinced this is a perfect answer either - if Q expected to be compromised, why didn't he set up and authenticate say 20 trip codes? Hell set up and verify 5 new ones each and every day, it would mean even if you did get compromised by an attack you could immediately post again from one of your more recent (and thus presumably secure) discardable trip identities.

Agreed 100%. When I saw that fake Q deleted post on Jan 1, I was praying Q would immediately change his trip to the super-secure version. He didn't and we all paid the price.

>And I have to believe someone with Q's intel and sources would know just how easy to crack these trips were going to be. The only other potential solution is that he wasn't tech savvy, or lacked the OPSEC to set up running validated trips, in my mind. And neither of those make much sense either. It's very confusing - it feels like he should have seen this problem coming, and could have worked around it, and if he couldn't it makes me suspicious about just who Q is /are.

Look at it like this: Q was a team of MILINT people with extreme security clearance and the ear of the President. They had one job: to reveal what was really going on behind the scenes to the anons so that they would redpill those around them. But the opposition to this operation was massive almost from the start and it continued. Considerable resources were used against it. I know original Q was genuine and was who he said he was. I think it was just bad timing with the LARPers and orders may have come through not to continue with the op. I'm sure we'll all find out one day what really happened. It was quite miraculous we got as much as we did.

Appreciate the conversation anon - ta muchly.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 7, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.261062   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1066


>This is your most crucial prediction. I agree with the entire para above it your predictions too - there's been a large anti cabal operation, and it seems to be going very well. Trump is probably on our side. Clowns are running scared etc. But until the moment the news spreads I'm still suspicious. The midterms is the real clue in my mind. He has to, simply HAS to reveal it before then - at least the broad strokes. He doesn't have mad high popularity ratings, dems are unimaginably bitter and planning HARD for a blue wave, so he simply has to reveal it before then. If he fails, he might really struggle to actually carry it out. And because of that I'd really still expect the hype to be building. Big public stuff like this against the cabal wouldn't have happened without hundreds of smaller, costly, and secret victories, which ought to mean that the closer it got to the end, the easier it was to start leaking large bits of the information out. If nothing is revealed by midterms, I think that's when everyone on the chans should start panicking, and at the very least step up their OPSEC significantly.

I am constantly cheered up when I see Holder, Brennan, Comey, McCabe and others absolutely losing their shit on Twitter and elsewhere. They are extremely frightened. It's death by a thousand cuts to the deep state and there's nothing they can do about it. They have no money, no power, no allies and no leverage. Other sources of mine say that the 12 secret military tribunals have completed their evidentiary phase and are moving towards the prosecutorial phase. That is HUGE if true.


>> Sessions and the IG will be dealing with the major scandals currently being investigated

>Absolutely agree - I reckon this is a near certainty at this point. Some very big names are about to get charged.

And when they do there will be riots. And when there are riots, the NG will be deployed and martial law will be declared, at least in a limited form. Q told us the details long ago. And then some of the evidence will be dropped - the WJC, HRC and LL tarmac video springs to mind - and the tribunals will start. Before the midterms. Annihilation of the DNC. And then: the Great Revelation.


>>Peace is about to break out in the Middle East and it will be glorious.

>This prediction I very much disagree with though. The situation in Syria is unpleasantly warm right now. Russian and US fleets are literally squaring off in the Med, and it really could turn into a hot war fast. A little while ago I think there were some serious incidents in Syrian airspace - pic related shows the USAF 11175 channel activity, the peaks on the right correspond very accurately with some airstrikes carried out in syria as part of operation inherent resolve.

I know - I HOPE it's not what it seems.

>I'd love to belive trump is planning some kind of master play, and he might well be. But from the sounds of what you wrote I think it will play out differently. Israel is about to be humiliated, and I can't see that making them overly peaceful.

Trump has made a deal with Israel: stop losing your shit about Syria and we will help make sure Iran has a regime change. And YOU along with the other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council will do it - NOT the US. Look at how cosy Bin Salman is towards Israel atm:


Israel and the Saudis together are going to help the Iranian people get rid of their hated mullahs. About bloody time - I'm old enough to remember 1979. But then the Shah was a CIA creation so I guess it was payback.

>They, NATO, and SA are going to lose their objectives in Syria. Assad will remain, supported by Russia and Iran. And if that's the case, I'm not sure I see an imminent regime change for Iran. It might happen, but I see no way for the US to enforce it in any way shape or form. Doing so would literally start WW3, and kill us all. There might be peace in the middle east, and there might be regime change in Iran, but not like you suggested imho.

Israel has made a deal. SA has no interests in Syria worth more than Iranian regime change. Trump is quite happy for Russia to have interests in Syria. He has none. He wants the US OUT of the Middle East - permanently.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 7, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.261063   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>I find the middle eastern situation easily the most disturbing aspect of the whole situation. The cabal has always wanted WW3, and unless something big changes they may have got their wish. Maybe if all this /storm/ happenings break in the MSM, that could provide enough cover for trump to withdraw? But even so, it would mean ceding middle eastern influence to Russia and Iran, and Israel might well resort to the Samson option inside of a decade or two if that's the case. The middle eastern situation really fucking worries me. The cabal are so close to achieving their objectives. Makes me wonder if they're really loosing at all.

I believe Samson has been disarmed and dismantled, either by force or by agreement. Israel, SA and the new Iranian regime will reign over the Middle East. And Trump and Bin Salman will have been the architects. Bibi won't be able to take credit - he'll be on trial for organizing 9/11. Trust the plan.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 7, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.261064   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1067


>Additional question since I only just came across it, whats your thoughts on the Rachel Chandler stuff (related, odd earthquake on pedo island recently. had a very weird seismograph reading too)? It seems like another interesting piece where nu-Q clearly seems to have some kind of connections (unlocking the IG account, some people suggest snowden did it although I don't see any sources for that). And again, not obviously pro clowns.

This is all old hat if you've been studying Pizzagate from the beginning - or even before then. I have a PDF compilation from a forum I frequented where we were discussing Epstein's recruiters back in 2015. Rachel Chandler isn't even the most interesting one of his. I think I archived her Instagram about two years ago or so without Snowden's help. Here's a superb summary of Pizzagate as understood in Nov 2016:


It mentions Rachel Chandler quite prominently. Nothing new about all this really.

>This whole situation is weird as hell. nu-Q doesn't seem to be oldQ, but he still seems to have some decent info (at least at times), and doesn't obviously seem to be working against old Q.

No, he definitely pro Q and POTUS. But he's impatient and stupid and doesn't have a plan or a body of real intelligence to give us, just the odd snippet from somewhere, either obscure but open source (like the above) or something that's been fed to him. The odd things he gets right either by guessing or from his sources are very minor compared with all the things he gets wrong.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 6:47 a.m. No.261069   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1071 >>1072


>Is it just me or are you getting weird gamergate vibes from the admin takeovers in the past year or so? Gamergate ended up being much larger than suspected, with much more enemy resources than made sense, this feels so damn similar except this time on 8 rather than 4.

Yes. /gamergatehq/ has good information on all this. There are deep connections to Common Core, the Clinton Foundation and DARPA. GG was a huge social engineering push gone wrong because gamers wanted to be left alone to play their games.

>If you're that close to the president, and leaking intel that blatantly, you're doing so with permission. So maybe when they were removed those permissions were removed, and now they're avoiding posting because doing so would end up with an instant court martial?

I'm sure the entire Q operation was done entirely by the book. The President would have declassified everything leaked to us as part of the process. Because he can :)

>>weird fuck post saying 7 hours followed by co-ords

>>Predicting an earthquake with no explanations, that seems to relate to an underground explosion? Short, sweet, and explained later once you know more? Sounds similar to old Q too imho. I'm not certain it's related but I thought it interesting enough to note.

Woah. Yeah this is hardcore stuff. I know that Denver, especially the airport, and the surrounding areas is the major distribution centre for the child trafficking networks through the US. This looks like them being taken down. No archives of this thread anywhere?

>Agreed, although this again makes me suspicious of many things. He could have, for example, included an encoded pgp message in an early message, and then provided the decryption keys to that message as a proof of a new account, or something like that. Sure you could break pgp too, but it would take a lot longer. And given codemonkey seems very suspect, I find the timing of the !!!trips being introduced a little suspicious too. Do you know if he was implementing them specifically for Q, or was it just a general to do item?

I'm not sure. The fact that I haven't seen the code together with the fact that he changed the bloody algorithm right as LARP Q first posted makes me suspicious. I spent hours trying to convince people I was who I said I was - because my tripcode suddently changed - instead of managing the problem and banning the LARPers. There were similar suggestions to yours at the time but the major problem was that the attack was effectively enabled by the administrator. If he'd told the truth and said 'this is not Q' then we'd all be fine and the real Q would still be here. But he lied and said he'd triple-checked that it was the real Q when he couldn't have - the IP was one we'd never seen before. I think CM probably has a gun to his head of some sort.

>I like this theory - it seems very likely numerous deep state organisations are pretty factional, that some other factions were against the Q operation I could definitely believe, and it would explain why old-Q seems to have vanished.

Intelligence work is extremely factional and driven by massive egos. And the attitude that powers it all is 'I know something you don't'. It's very poisonous.

>Perhaps they'd rather keep large elements of what happened a secret to avoid public outcry? That isn't inconceivable - if some of the rumours I've heard are true the level of depravity is truly shocking even for relatively hardened chan bastards.

20% public for justice, 80% secret to spare us. Yeah, none of us want to see these sick fucks sacrificing babies, or raping and torturing kids.

>I'm expecting multiple books on Q to be honest. And I am very glad we got as much as we did, as you say. It was/is a privilege to be granted such a /comfy/ opportunity to spectate in the takedown of the bastards so many of us have been learning about for years.

Hah - Pamphlet and I were joking on reddit about writing a book. This pissed off the LARPers so much that I've decided I'm going to do one for real. I've already got a publisher and a great deal of interest.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.261070   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1072



>I can't remember a single time when there have been so many incredibely powerful people utterly losing their shit on twitter and behaving like children (the rotchschild woman also stands out).

I think the Roths have been in custody since Jan 1. POTUS rounded up the shipping containers they used to ship kids around the world.

>Do you mean just in the US here, or everywhere?

Just the US for now. The order is SA->US->EU->Asia.

>(amongst others, exactly how was Q planning to arrest the british royal family without starting a war?).

They will step down. The threat is videos and pictures.

>Also agreed - I think they're utterly terrified of it causing a civil war - I doubt they care so much about vigilante justice being carried out on the child fuckers, but the US devolving into a civil war is bad for everyone. Martial law for a while makes good sense.

Dissent will be met with swift fury. Soros' last fling and then he gets picked up too.

>Although again I'm kind of curious about non US countries. The UK has a lot less planning and preperation for widespread unrest. If people decided to mob rule the pedo's, I'm not actually sure the government could enforce martial law outside of major cities. Too many villages, not enough military.

The master plan for the UK is for it to become an Islamic caliphate, followed by Europe. It will not succeed.

>What do you mean by this part? Sorry if I'm being dense, can't obviously connect it to anything else.

Sorry - that the elites are all Luciferians who traffick kids.

>This I believe, I'm just curious about who else i the region agrees with them. I think Israel, SA, NATO, and maybe sort of if you force them Turkey would support the motion. No-one else. Honestly I doubt even turkey would agree. As I said, I think the biggest problem with all of this is that the US has no meaningful way to promise an Iranian regime change to anyone. If Russia doesn't back down, they won't have a regime change, and if Trump wants the US to leave the middle east he'd have even less ability to enforce it. I could believe Israel was willing to try and go with a plan along these lines, but as you say Iranian regime change is their red line. They won't wait for Iran to get nuclear weapons, and they won't accept "solutions" that don't involve regime change. If the deal between trump and Israel is true, I regard it as a possible barefaced lie, literally selling them out. I don't think he has any intentions to start WW3 through trying to force Iranian regime change.

The principle is 'always do the opposite of what Jews say.' The Iranian people are about to overthrow their rulers. That may be peaceful, it may not. If not, then the GCC assisted by the US (they've been training for years for this) will help the Iranians get rid of the mullahs. Trump will give Israel what it wants - a non-nuclear Iran but in the way SA and the US decide, not Israel. Win-win.

>Ultimately I don't see any way Israel or NATO achieve any goals in the middle east, basically none. I'm not even sure SA will accomplish much of anything. They're both going to become pariah states when the news of their 9/11 involvement (amongst other things) drops, which will severely harm the support they receive from the west (which is basically the only reason they're still the dominant powers).

It will be clear that it wasn't the nations per se but the individuals within who were at fault - the arrested Crown Princes, Bibi and Ehud Barak. Along with the neocons in the Bush administration.


I am worried about Syria though. At least if the real Q was here he would be reassuring us as to what's really going on.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 8:57 a.m. No.261078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1081


>>There are deep connections to Common Core, the Clinton Foundation and DARPA

>Agreed. Although I missed the news on DARPA connection at the time. I wonder how deep those actually went beyond just funding DiGRA? But I'm glad it's not just me, this feels like a very similar operation. Not sure what the goal is though.

I've searched my archives but I can't find the long explanation by an anon about GG. Ultimate goal was to subvert and marginalize gamers because they were a threat to the reeingineering of the social order.

>Agreed. Although it does make me curious about the larpers playing the role. If they're not in on it, I wouldn't be surprised if they got a visit from some important people, even if other factions shut down the Q-intel project it seems weird they'd just leave people larping on something that appears to still be the account without oversight. Not impossible, but notably strange.

I doxed two of the individuals involved one of whom then foolishly practically confessed. I don't think there's time right now to go after them plus it may compromise the real Q drops from last year. But they will be shut down sooner or later.

>I agree. The denver airport connection is a good one, although I think that one was probably taken over some time ago. It really was a huge operation, hard to know exactly how big. Most of the reports i've come across suggest 5-7 storeys below ground, with potentially more unknown. I suspect this might have been some kind of parallel sub-station/holding site, something like that? But yeah it's weird as hell. The original thread felt genuinely strange, hence why it got so much attention. That it's been completely deleted makes me MUCH more suspicious. I checked quite thoroughly, it's gone. I did find these related threads though if you're interested, there's probably various bits of info scattered about in them. Sorry I can't help more with finding precise pieces, I've got my dissertation going on atm, takes up a depressing amount of my time.

Thank you kindly - got them.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.261079   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Did that mean all trips changed, or just !!! ones?

Just the !!! trips changed.

>I wonder if maybe the gun to CMs head doesn't belong to a clown, but to a pro-Trump faction?

The simplest explanation is that the LARPers are just morons driven by pure envy and that Codemonkey is a lazy twunt. But I have no special view on anything behind the scenes except mod powers on this board and /thestorm/ plus the occasional bit of info given to me by my own spies in others' camps.

>Sounds like a good guess. In the long run that may even have been what Q was for - an attempt to confirm some of the more gruesome rumours that would end up getting covered up. The irony of the situation will probably be these people will be up on charges like mass rape etc, pedophilia, maybe some murder charges and people are going to believe it's some kind of insane theatrical kangaroo court charge sheet. And yet it'll be painting them like fucking saints in comparison to reality. I suspect there might be enough vendettas being formed in this process that some of the very gory details might be confirmed though, and I would be interested to see some of the broader strokes details, it's not often literal satanic cults are going to be exposed to the world. Pic related (tree part) is one such example Id be interested to see a confirmation of.

I'm sure that a whole lot of things are going to be confirmed, including your pic. The judgment on these demons for their crimes will be the harshest possible I think.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.261080   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>Good job!. That sounds like a really fun book to write. Probably going to be an awful lot of digging and research though, especially if many of the details don't get declassified for a while. But honestly I'm glad, this is the kind of insanely complex case that really merits being laid out in long text format.

The research is almost done but I have no idea how I can write about stuff that Q has told us but hasn't been revealed to the public yet. It's a dilemma.

>That's promising. I do agree they, along with a suspicious number of important people haven't been seen a whole hell of a lot in public recently. And I'm very glad to hear about the shipping containers being seized.

>I wonder if trump is going to see-saw these trials into just straight up taking over large portions of their enterprises? You could easily avoid the whole classic "people won't invest due to fear of lack of rule of law" by just making the seizures part of the rule of law. And the Rotschilds sure do have a lot of things to seize.

Ah but that's the genius of the Executive Order signed on Dec 21. If you're involved in human trafficking or you do business with orgs involved in human trafficking, then all your assets can be seized lock stock and barrel. It's going to be trillions worth.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.261082   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1085


>I'll grant you that, but especially in Israels case that literally does not matter. Aside from the disgusting level of spying, murder of "allies", planning literal terrorist attacks etc, they (the Jews), are largely responsible for the white demographic genocide, and god knows what else. I do sincerely believe #notalljews etc, but it's irrelevant for Israel. They've done too much, and heaped on the verbal abuse too much. Comeys "lament for Israel" tweets will be prophetic.I'm not sure I see any kind of future for it as a country. If they've removed nukes, they're going to be invaded by every Islamic nation surrounding them (maybe excluding SA), and large portions of the world will be cheering them on. Hence why I find the removal of the sampson option suspicious, although also interesting. Even if true, it implies I've either missed something huge, or everyone is putting a stunning amount of faith in everyone instantly forgiving Israel.

This is a serious problem for Israel, especially given the context of 9/11. 9/11 is an open wound in America. If enough people are convinced that Israel as a whole was responsible, then it's going to just disappear off the face of the earth, no matter the cost. And it's going to be a serious problem for Jews in the US too. They will have to decide which flag they support. When all the evidence comes out about Shumer, Wassermann Schultz and the Awans actually working for the Mossad to blackmail Congress, then some serious questions will be asked about The Tribe.


An excerpt from Al Frankenโ€™s bestselling book Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair And Balanced Look At The Right (Dutton Publishing; 2003):

"Six months after 9/11, the Gallup Poll of Islamic Countries found that an overwhelming majority of those surveyed believed the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had not been the works of Arabs. Well-educated Egyptians and Saudis believed that the Israelis were behind the murder of three thousand innocents on 9/11, in large part because of articles in their countriesโ€™ official state newspapers. One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day.

To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call. I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. โ€œAl,โ€ he told me, โ€œdonโ€™t go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul [September 11 โ€“ ed.]."


The term for this is high treason.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.261083   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Pakistani's in particular will likely either be deported or flee. When all this Q stuff breaks I suspect riots here will be as much anti-paki as they will anti-government/pedo.

Yeah, watch out for false flags in the confusion. Tower Bridge and Big Ben for example: have they both been recently 'shut down for renovations'? Boom. I think the UK is already lost to Islam quite honestly and so is most of Europe.

>Ah yes. Yeah I honestly wonder if they're going to bring in the luciferianism or not. It might make it seem too implausiable for people, or too easy to connect the dots to stuff they'd rather keep hidden? But the human trafficking amongst others is going to be a stunning revelation. I can't really gauge how serious the level of societal anger is going to be, but I think it'll involve corpses. It's a question only of how many rather than if.

Which is why I think brutal public executions will be necessary.

>My problem with this theory isn't so much the public angst in Iran - I believe that exists. But I think the level of anger between Shia and Sunni muslims will probably overshadow these concerns. For all there might be a popular revolt against the hardcore islamists, I believe they'll stay Sunni, and therefore stay borderline foes with Shia's. Even if they revolt, I don't think it would be into something the US/SA find acceptable. I don't think they want to surrender power in the region to the Saudi's (as a people, not as a government), and I think Russia will be quite willing to ensure they can establish a regime of the Iranian peoples choice. Trump wants a non-nuclear Iran, but Iran doesn't. Russia probably isn't keen on it either. Maybe, just maybe if the sampson option has been dismantled Russia might have made under the table deals to force Iranians to disarm. But I'm still suspicious. I think NATO, Israel, and Trump are all overconfident about US power to force a solution they like, and it's utterly continent on Russia and China just agreeing to it. If they have, what did they gain from that decision?

The mullahs' time in Iran is up and they're the ones keen on nukes. Once the people take over and make it into a modern secular state, just like SA is rapidly becoming, then we'll see SA, Iran and Israel as the three powerhouses of the region and they'll make sure it's peaceful and prosperous. Syria will be left alone and so will Russia's interests there. The US will not be involved, save to encourage investment in the region and set up decent trade terms. NATO's opinion will no longer matter once the tribunals begin I think.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.261084   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>Can you imagine the insane levels of butthurt stretching decades into the future as trump is revered as one of the greatest presidents of all time? It's going to be beautiful.

I might even get tired of winning.

No, no I won't.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 8, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.261087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1090 >>1091


Hmmm. GEOTUS tweets these. And a month ago we had both Russia and Syria claiming that there would be a chemical false flag:

https://www.militarytimes. com/flashpoints/2018/03/14/russian-claims-that-us-is-planning-a-false-flag-chemical-weapons-attack-is-a-distraction-pentagon-says/

Now there is a chemical false flag. Not a coincidence. This is a direct accusation by the President that Assad has (again) used chemical weapons against his own people and that Russia is complicit and that the mullahs in Iran are telling Assad what to do. POTUS must have had confirmation that that is indeed the case - there's zero reason for him to not tell the truth here. Sooo, that tells me that the mullahs are very desperate and that Assad must be too. I don't see any other conclusion when you assume that Trump is being straight up about what he just said: Assad has used chemical weapons on his own people on the orders of Iran.


And obviously your read on Syria above is correct and mine was not.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 9, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.261096   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1097


Assad has gassed and bombed his own people plenty of times on the orders of Iran. His father used to do it and now he does it. The 'logical' reason for this latest false flag is so he can claim to have driven the US out, even as POTUS announces they will withdraw from Syria. This is a common Iranian thing: attack just as your enemy withdraws so you can claim to have driven him out. Hezbollah and Hamas (both funded by Iran) did it when Israel withdrew from Gaza and Lebanon; Assad is doing it now. Trump set the trap and Assad walked right into it. The GCC will respond.


Any factions of the deep state left in the middle east have no money and no resources left, certainly none on a par with the US or the GCC. And Russia has no ability to fight the US in Syria and they know it. They're going to have to sit there and take it.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 9, 2018, 6:47 a.m. No.261101   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>I guess the IBOR push doesn't matter anymore?

It never did. It was a dishonest press release from AT&T.

>I guess the Hillary video will never be seen?

Which Hillary video? There's one on the tarmac with LL that will.

>I guess we will never get those cures?


>Can we take our eyes off the water?






>Will anything of substance ever happen?

Stop paying attention to LARP Q and you'll have a much better time of things.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 9, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.261102   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1103 >>1104


One thing that's essential when speculating about things like this is to start from a proper foundation.

  • POTUS wrote those tweets. It's unprecedented to claim otherwise. The State Dept. wrote that release. It's crazy to claim otherwise.

  • The US military has real time HD videos of Syria from space and knows exactly what happened. We're talking about people who can spy on secret elite Luciferian ceremonies. YOU EVIL SICK BASTARDS ARE STUPID etc.

  • POTUS has no need for subterfuge here.

  • Therefore he's telling the truth. I don't think he's ever NOT told the truth on his Twitter.

  • Assad is a puppet of Iran and always has been.

  • This action jibes exactly with past behavior from Iran and Syria, including almost exactly a year ago.

  • Russia and Syria claimed a month ago that there would be a chemical false flag in Syria. The US denied anything to do with it.

  • Trump laid the trap and Assad and Iran walked right into it.


Let's watch what happens.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 10, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.261108   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1111

Heads up anons - this means the Saudis and their allies have already started ground actions in Syria. They already moved tons of supplies there and mapped every rock years ago. Right now I imagine there are dozens, possibly hundreds, of combined arms specialist teams who've been flown in to key positions by Hercules or Globemaster. Each has a tank, an anti-aircraft gun, a machine gun vehicle and thirty odd of the best commandos in the world currently. They can wipe out an entire airfield in about half an hour and then disappear in to the desert if necessary.


Iran, Russia and Syria will deny all this right up to the point Assad flees.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 10, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.261109   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1110


>I agree lets watch and see what happens. I don't doubt MSM news will support your position, if Trump is (imho) being idiotic/flipped and planning to invade Syria. I think he will. Within 24-72 hours there will be a large airstrike, probably french + USA, maybe brits too. If that provokes a Russian response, it will be essentially WW3.

It won't. The Russians aren't crazy. And the Brits and the French have nothing to do with any of this.

>Ukraine will get invaded within the week, and who knows what turkey will do. It won't go nuclear fast, but the local region in the Med could be a fucking mess.

Please. Trump will send no troops in to Syria. The GCC will do it all and is almost certainly doing it right now. Russia has to sit there and take it. They really really don't want to fight the US or the GCC.

>MSM will support an argument roughly along the lines you've suggested - trump laid the brilliant trap of saying he'd leave soon and then Assad idiotically blundered into it with a traditional Iranian civilian gassing celebration, and now the (((GOOD GUYS TM))) are here to rid the world of evil dictators again, just like before.

The MSM is doing the exact opposite as far as I can see.

>Honestly if this is the plan I hope Russia sticks to their guns, and defends it right up to the point of going nuclear. This is literal insanity.

Last year, the US pounded a battalion of Russian troops into submission with B-52s, killing and wounding 500+ of them. What did they do in response? NOTHING. Because they can't.

>Israel is manipulating the local situation to force yet another war, potentially also gaining them their ruling cabals WW3 in the bargain.

This is not Israel. This is the Arab nations, together WITH Israel, fixing their own region once and for all with the US's blessing and without interference. First to go will be Assad, then Iran.

>Madness. I hope trump is playing everyone and planning some kind of reverse here, because if not this is game over. Either it'll be a nuclear war, or trump is utterly flipped, and the cabal have won. I can't express just how much this seems like bad news. There's no positive to being the footsoldiers of the eternal jew and removing yet another stumbling block in the way of greater Israel. And right now that's all trump appears to be doing.

>The fear is getting pretty real.

Get better information then.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 11, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.261114   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Is Jesus the new old cover for N.S.A MK psyops?

No and he never has been.

>All the controlled opposition sheep i.e. Republicans are turning to christianity now. This is strange to me being a keen observer of the religion.

Interesting observation. Any sources? Unless it's your arse in which case, spare us.

>N.S.A. MK victim testimonies often refer to demons and demonic psychic torture. Can this be done with electronics? How? How Safety?

The NSA has nothing to do with MK. It's a CIA thing. Electronics have nothing to do with satanic ritual abuse.

>Reps say aliens are demons and then revert to jesus to escape it.

That's a pretty pathetic summary for a keen observer.

>Christianity is the oldest psyop out there. Everybody forgetting about this now. Being Irish I know all about it. (protestant and catholics)

Being a former first-hand participant in The Troubles, I can tell you the problem was the Irish and the British (mainly the latter), not Christianity.

>Is electronic brainwashing actually real? No proofs just many idiots on youtube spreading New Age psyops and infect others with older control program covers like Archons, Jesus and Matrix references. Like a flavor of (((fantasy))) for every one to accept the omnipotent military corporate AI behind all of it.

No, you have free will. Use it.

>The same chills taking over 4chan/pol and 8chan


>Why are you people shouting at Rothchilds and Soros though spreading the same disinfo the elite believes in? Here's whyโ€”=-> You anons are tricked and now work for them on the boards!

Fuck you.

>Researching a topic makes a person brainwash himself a little because all information is potentially toxic.

You have to be careful, I agree.

>You talk about Christ, you think you are a rebourn, so you must also believe in demons!

When the undeniable evidence comes out that the elites worship Satan, it's not the Christians who will be unable to explain things.

>Do you realize who also believes in demons? (((SOROS)))

So what?

>Welcome to the NWO, Anons. You really are the cheapest labour they could get. All they needed was a drop of disinfo you call a (((red pilll)))

/pol/ is that way.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 17, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.261124   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yes. President Trump and his administration are doing incredible things. Wonderful to watch and we got tremendous insight from the real Q. None of that has anything to do with the fact that the current Q is a LARP.

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 18, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.261136   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


How the fuck should I know why the current LARPers are LARPing? Their motivation all along seems to be pure envy combined with a rare form of mental retardation.

>Q posts are being confirmed true: NK meeting, Bangladeshi bomber, Hawaii missile alert, Loretta Lynch meeting, etc.

Hey dumbass. This board only exists because it was proved beyond all doubt that Q was the real deal and he needed a place to post when 4chan became unusable because of Clown attacks. It's not hard to work your way through Q posts starting from the earliest and to see that he started on 4chan, moved to here at the end of November, then to >>>/thestorm/ on Jan 6 and >>>/greatawakening/ a couple of days after that. Since Jan 5, he's been a LARP. See here: >>258430

I don't expect you to be able to follow that since you've clearly come here from YouTube or /greatawakening/ but there are other anons who will.

>NK meeting

Was in the news.

>Bangladeshi bomber

Yeah we know about the bomber prediction because it's right fucking here on this board: >>73368

https://8ch. net/cbts/res/72735.html#73368

>Hawaii missile alert

Hawaii was a real nuke launch that was shot down by the Navy.

  • there's eyewitnesses on a tourist boat that saw the shootdown

  • WJC and HRC were in the northern islands, just close enough to see the mushroom cloud

  • a CBS news crew just happened to be in the exact early warning station when the alarm was given

  • Q predicted this incident exactly here: >>148746

https://8ch.n et/cbts/res/148453.html#148746

But 'q' said his use of DEFCON-1 was non-nuclear. Reconcile.

>Loretta Lynch meeting

Yeah that happened in 2016 and the real Q talked about it on 4chan in late October.


LARP Q's problem isn't the occasional thing he gets right. It's all the things he gets wrong: >>259777

BaruchTheShill ID: 7a3fbf April 18, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.261143   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>From October to December, we began publishing the ideas of how to take-down the NWO on another board and we had Trump following us there and discussing the ideas with us, anonymously. He liked our ideas.

Kek. You are off your meds. Go away.