Use a developed intuition and feeling to discern between positive and negative disclosure if it happens!
Galactic federation is not a troll or a funny meme. It's a REAL organization of benevolent SPIRITUAL ET's. It is possible to prove this for yourself and contact them if you are spiritually clean and developed. The contact first takes place in the dream state, then afterwards it can be physical as well. If the disclosure deals with topics about inner development and cleaning of negativity, then it's probably a good disclosure of positive ET's.
They have contacted most planetary governments already. US government had a contact on February 20, 1954 in Muroc Air Force Base.
The contact did not end in an agreement because no immediate technological or material advantage was offered. Only spiritual development for ALL earth humans. This did not sit well with the cabal and they chose to cooperate with negative ET's which abducted humans in exchange for technology. These abductions stopped in 2000. after heavy freewill violations, so the Galactic Federation put a quarantine then.
The situation remains completely in our hands ever since. We have to make a choice and stick to it. Cabal or federation, Love or hate. It's up to us. This fight is far more internal than external.