only a sith deals in absolutes.
indeed i come from the dark side but i speak the truth.
love is great but just cuz its dark doesnt mean its evil. how you think is a naive generalization of polarities.
too much light can be a negative depending on your objective. the intention and what you do with light and dark defines good or evil. and i must say that even good and evil is just a personal point of view. not to mention that there are various gradient degrees of grey scale in the middle. on a grander scale of things nothing is truly good nor evil, its just is(but thinking makes it so).
and that was just a preview, its actually WAY more complicated than that. there are more species, races, factions that could be talked about but not just yet. better prepare yourself cuz your mind shall be blown…
also the benevolent AYYS has a non interference policy. so when the disclosure happens its more probable for the contact be made by the negative forces.
the main thing that i want to convey is that its really not about race or species but factions. the outer appearance is but a shell.
the ones that we should trust are those who want to guide us, teach us so that we can stand tall on our own and so that we don't have to depend on others.
beware of those who wants to disarms us or take care of us by taking charge of our society. by accepting free food, aid or monetary relief we only become like pets that will have to obey the master.
its time for us to grow up folks. there are so much of our shiet that we need to clean up, im just antsy to start and get over with. but i guess all good things takes time. but unfortunately there are some pressing matters and time is of the essence.
first things first, we got to send out that signal and light up that damn beacon.