Anonymous ID: 3df99f Dec. 24, 2017, 5:38 a.m. No.164696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4829


>universal love is great and all but when the devil has a grip on you by the nuts its just wishful thinking

Not in the slightest. It's the best weapon, you can defeat even reptilians if you are a strong meditator connected with the God-Source and your Heart radiates Love, people around you turn to you for protection and Love and all that are hateful automatically eliminate themselves due to vibratory desync.

Other than that you are correct, but I don't focus on their dealings, really unimportant at this point in the game, we have to focus on ourselves and getting out of slavery.

Anonymous ID: 3df99f Dec. 24, 2017, 6:03 a.m. No.164791   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Galactic Federation uses condensational cloaking, among other types. Many sources confirm this.

For example, Elizabeth Klarer, beyond the light barrier:

>"The tempic field, or time field, is the controlling field. It maneu­vers the spaceship from one time field to another within the vibration of a higher frequency that emanates from the total mass of the ship's triple skin. As the field intensifies, the spaceship becomes invisible to any watcher on the surface of Earth. It disappears completely or suddenly appears again. It can vanish on the spot when landed or it can material­ize again. On Earth, the first indication of this would be a heat-wave effect during daylight in the atmosphere. At other times, depending on atmospheric conditions, the molecules of atmosphere surrounding the area of proximity to the spaceship condense into a cloud as it comes into the condensation level of the atmosphere. This can occur while it is hovering or moving in the sky, whether the ship is visible through the cloud or in its invisible state. All you can see, usually, is an inorganic cloud that sometimes builds and bubbles up into a vast organic cumu­lonimbus, spreading storm destruction far and wide or simply decaying away slowly in the higher atmosphere."

I've read an even more detailed description somewhere but I can't recall where.

Also in the Bible, there is often mention of voices from the clouds - these are precisely Angels of Light from the Galactic Federation.

So you can mostly say the cloud guys are good guys.

Anonymous ID: 3df99f Dec. 24, 2017, 7:17 a.m. No.165103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You got it. There are positive reptilians too. We will win. Focus on the Light and defeating the cabal, and not be carried away by the distractions.