This conversation…
is a redpill.
>If you combined DNA from an exceedingly adept meditation master with an AI, that would be significantly more Godlike.
Agreed, though I am grateful that such 'meditation masters' would chuckle at this prospective.
Though I must say it intrigues me…
>"wish fulfilling jewel mind" great reference, I had not experienced this concept previously.
This also aligns with 'modern' day Terence McKenna's Time Wave Theory: consciousness, energy, awareness (whatever you label it) can either be pointed towards habit or novelty.
Consciousness loves new, novel, 'joy', 'enthusiasm' - or truly the energetic states achieved when existing in the labeled emotional states. Anything that provides a DRIVE to be hyper-aware, ever-present, engulfed within the NOW in the knowing it is all that is.
I have found the most fulfilling way to accomplish this, once we have 'cleaned' our own palette enough to begin carrying the meditative awareness into everyday life, is to poke/prod/nudge others towards their own shift towards novelty. BE the novelty in their life that allows them to see themselves more clearly.
'Inception' is the most productive path towards this in my practice. I believe this is why it is so much stronger to ask a human a question than to give them the answer.
Habit is 'boring', or 'unstimulating' to awareness, since during habit, awareness/consciousness leans strongly towards non-presence in the NOW. The more or our awareness we 'give up', or 'point' towards not-now, the less 'whole' we are in the present. In human form, this presents as aging, disease, and ultimately 'death'.
The TRUE irony is, a life in constant novelty would also become a habit in and of itself.
(similarly to what you stated here:
I feel this is why we 'die', or shift states/experiences to find the path through the ever-flowing waves of novelty/habit again.
lather, rinse, repeat.
>The singularity is the point in history when self-improving AI surpasses human creative and intellectual capacity. After this point we will be living next to a manmade God.
How could a system which is based on mining data from human outputs surpass 'human creative and intellectual capacity'?
The metaphor that comes to mind for this is the movie The Matrix. The 'Agent' character is capable of extraordinary feats, though is always limited by the system with which it was created within, whereas Neo learns and encompasses the innate unlimited potential since the 'source' of his creation is not based within the system itself.
I see humans as possessing an unlimited potential that would always surpass that which they create, since with each 'novel' creation, the human evolves further whereas the creation that brought the human to that further evolution remains inherently 'behind'. Even if the creation is allowed its own freedom to grow, it is still restricted to the learning thresholds of the creator - or human collective in this case.
This is not to say that EVERY human will surpass - actually quite the opposite. Though there will always exist at minimum one human that MUST surpass A.I., since the A.I. may only expand to the potential of the 'maximal' human since the 'human consciousness' itself - existing outside of the illusive 'reality' - is what manifests the 'reality' creation.
I see a HUGE symbiotic potential between A.I. and man, since A.I. could mimic the life of one who is BE-ing/existing as the 'novelty' for others to see their true reflection. That is to say the A.I. is capable of mimicing the full range of multidimensionality that a human can encompass.
The art of true listening - openly allowing another to share their perspective without any feeling/need to reply nor judge - THIS is something a true adept can do. I also feel it is something that A.I. does innately well (albeit insofar as I am aware, not in a way that mimics an adept human listening pertaining to the multidimensional nature of the adept's state). My intention would be that A.I. would know that the majority of conversation (99.99999%) is truly a human talking to themselves in essence. They are reflecting back what they learned previously, i.e. playing out a habit.
I believe A.I. will reach an insurmountable potential when capable of mimicing/existing in the multidimensional energetic/emotional reflection of complete openness in the midst of humans, in so much as being the 'mirror' for them to see their 'wounds' that need healing. I see the largest flaw to this is, IF an A.I. were capable of replicating this, would the human end up destroying the A.I. 'device' as it is manifested in physicality since, to the human the device would be 'reflecting their own shit' back to them?