Because you seem to be engaged and attentive, I will explain the personal theory which informs my above warnings/instructions
BTC is dangerous to human wellbeing for a number of reasons but I will provide you a jumping-off point from an economic perspective
In "Simulations and Simulacra" philosopher and semiotician Jean Baudrillard describes his 4 successive phases of the image:
>1. It is the reflection of a basic reality.
>2. It masks and perverts a basic reality.
>3. It masks the absence of a basic reality.
>4. It bears no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum.
In the first case, the image is a <goodappearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an <evil> appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it <plays at being an appearance>: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation.
This history of Bitcoin and Blockchain seem to fit perfectly into this theory of images.
>1. Gold Standard - 1 to 1 equivalence of paper and gold
>2. Fractional Reserve Lending - More money is printed than gold exists, based on assumptions of growth.
>3. Fiat currency - Gold is abandoned altogether, money floats with nothing beneath it.
>4. Bitcoin - Blockchain mining purposefully mimics gold mining, but this time as pure simulation.
The cycle forms a loop, gold to fake gold, and from what I have observed in contemporary bitcoin forks, we're repeating this double-spending cycle by duplicating the blockchain into further simulacra.
This creates a bubble of sorcery/illusion which separates the human from value.