Anonymous ID: dce398 Dec. 27, 2017, 4:34 p.m. No.190835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1197


When you started posting on 4chan, I enjoyed talking to you tremendously. I felt you had a lot to teach. Certainly you have no shortage of information. When I see your posts now I sigh. Nothing you've said in two months has made any difference, and half the time what you say reads as nonsense because you insist on using a writing style that honestly comes across as you masturbating with your own intelligence. Masturbating in front of other people is either voyeuristic or rude, depending on the audience. If I could drop LSD every time we spoke I'd probably merge minds with you and find you brilliant. As it is it's more like watching a hippy jerk themself off, over and over again, while moaning about how great it is and how much you love your own mind. It was rude a month ago. Now its just annoying. Just an fyi.