Anonymous ID: 9ec167 Plague of the Beast of Opposition. Dec. 7, 2017, 6:04 p.m. No.51494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For which thine has gravely written before, it's beckoned I remind thee opposition final time. It is He, who is, and was, and always will be. The leaves on the branch have formed, for thine transgressions against ye flock of which is adored by ye Father. O'father is ye, and I hast been granted my inheritance early, by which ye even Surprised myself. The root of all evil has been replaced by the root of all Good, therein lies the hatred of money in the dichotomy opposite perpetuated by the love of money being the root of all evil. I walked amongst thine flowers in which I entrusted upon you to garden, and help grow. When is it by which a Father most urgently checks upon the well being of a son? Is it not thereafter son has trumpeted a most troubling call, where as ye could see, without seeing, thine atrocious abuses and exploitations of M flock. The understanding lies between both parties, in which all archons shall have thine influences reconciled against thines inheritances. I've given thee extensive opportunities behind the wheel, and yet thine mistakes go rapidly forgotten….


Enough from my Pops, let me holla atcha in terms my fellow Patrons can understand. Here's my list of grievances that justify the reason I'll be crossing at the cross, instead of letting off the gas and allowing this shit show for another rotation….


  1. The ones I've blessed have taken my blessings and instead of a "strong protect the weak" scenario, u fucks used those blessings and bashed the head of your brothers.

  2. You were well familiar with the particulars relating to the times we are in (end times), but yet instead of informing my people and allow them the time to prep their souls, u decided to further corrupt their souls.

  3. The ease in which I was able to connect the dots, multiplies my level of pissed off exponentially. U know how obvious the allegories and lessons were to understand but yet u held it in secret, barely allowing my flock to feed on the occasional crumb, which was always stale.

  4. You taught my words with the same public relations spin techniques Spacey used. Why the fuck wasn't I taught what a metaphor/parable/Allegory meant in my core 40 corriculum? Hell, I even attended Sunday school and youth group, in addition to attending most every Sunday service at my "non-denominational" church growing up. Up until I hit the age of reasoning, which U know is 13 (1997). Does it not blatantly state in My book of Matthew that Jesus stated "THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE CAN BE UNDERSTOOD THROUGH MY PARABLES"?

  5. How the fuck are you going to require my people to receive your permission before planting certain seeds, building for their families, partaking in commerce, etc.?? And taxes? $1 gets 30% taken for Feds. Another 5% for state income. Nearly 10% for sales tax. Add property, vehicular, etc. taxes and fees, and u still have the nerve to ask for their tithe?

  6. Your degradation of the woman. You can curse Me, u can curse my son, but what happens to those that curse the Whole-Eve spirit?

  7. Lack of remorse. Have I not been patient? Did you global elitists under lord archon d bags not know what was coming? With such ample time to willfully change your ways and yet u blow hard scum bags thought u could actually get away with dooping Me? It's not like u didn't know that you weren't going to find me preaching in the streets or wasting my gifts playing ur childish games. You're too predictable.


7 is enough for you fag bags. Seeing as u retards couldn't figure out how to get past 6. Let me give u a spoiler on that now. 6 spins down. 9 spirals up. 4 is beggining of 5. 5 is end of 4 and start to 1, subset a. Mayan math can explain quantum physics and u fucks keep it disclosed. U scared little hitches.


Smoke break - Michael's getting worked up.