Anonymous ID: f64037 Dec. 15, 2017, 3:15 p.m. No.104487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MAPs or Minor Attracted People rise to greater power BECAUSE they are perverted.

The Elites (FreeMasons) learned a leveraged person is your Puppet. The bigger the "secret" the more loyal they are.


Therefore the Elites LOOK for abnormal behavior. They use Fraternities to this end.

If an already Powerful Family has a wonky kid to leverage - all the better.

If not Powerful - move him on up!


Bush 41: Hero? Camera happened to be there as he gets plucked out of water '41.

Immediately runs for Senate after War. Losses.

Elites send him back for a lowly Congress spot. He wins. Money helps.

Then he's GIVEN Ambassador to China - then tapped for CIA Director.

Now who goes from Ambassador to China to running the foremost Soy Agency? A Pawn of the Elites.

They make Reagan pick him as VP next.

Becomes President and get America INTO the War in the Middle East as planned.


Bush 41 will have lots of spooky proclivities. He's not banging Barbara.