Q means this. “A lie told often enough becomes truth”- Lenin
MSM dictates propaganda. People believe it because Media “unbiased” and credible. Social media changed that. People questioned MSM because bloggers and independent were telling a different story.
Red October refers to Lenin & Bolsheviks bloody revolution. But it wasn’t. Bolsheviks were journalists. They knew how to control the message. They knew how it could be used against them. They flipped the narrative, much like Trump. The hunter becomes the hunted. Enough people stopped believing MSM lies, became informed by other sources (Emails) that could be verified. Dems were quick to demand resignation of Ppl based on innuendo. Now they are being hunted by Hwood rumors, now In DC. Dems can’t be viewed as hypocrites if they want a chance in 2018. That’s the context of Q’s post. Side note: imho Bannon is behind the Hwood leaks to take money from Dems.