Furthermore, the founding fathers of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints claimed to be descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. According to one Mormon source, Dynasty of the Holy Grail: Mormonism’s Sacred Bloodline by Vernon Swanson, the L.D.S. has been ahead of every other Grail cult in terms of revelation and election, including Freemasonry, with Joseph Smith being the Grail King who will reincarnate in the latter-days “to correct the evil (of disobedience to the Mormon gospel) and restore Eden by preparing the world for the paradisiacal Millennium.” (p. 257) Apparently the L.D.S. was named the “Church of the Latter-day Saints” because Joseph Smith received a revelation that the original Mormon leadership would reincarnate in the “Latter Days” to bring in the Millennium.
“Other lines descending from Jesus Christ may be included in the Church’s royal family…
“A few common ancestors in Britain seem to have been a crucial pivot in the family tree, which spread its branches to other founders and apostles in the LDS Church…
“According to genealogy, early Church leaders…include Oliver Cowdery, Orson and Parley P. Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, Frederick G. Williams, Joseph Smith, Sr., Joseph F. and Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee, and others. More recently are included Nathan Eldon Tanner, Marion G. Romney and Bishop H. Burke Peterson, to name a very few. From this astonishing discovery, one can reason that Joseph selected many of the general authorities, not because of nepotism, but because he knew them through revelation to be descendants of Jesus Christ.
“Besides LDS leaders, the Lathrop line has produced other noted Americans, namely Ulysses S. Grant, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eli Whitney, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Dr. Benjamin Spock. More recently we have President George Bush, Utah Congressman Dan Marriott, former Secretary of Education T. H. Bell, former LDS Michigan governor George Romney and his son, Mitt Romney, governor of Massachusetts.