Anonymous ID: 623bfa Dec. 4, 2017, 8:08 p.m. No.34454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4475 >>4482 >>4504 >>4511


I think this is secretly referencing the connection of Rothschilds and Bayer in the AIDS epidemic.



Bayer Factor VIII - HIV - AIDS Genocide Plan

Bayer released HIV / AIDS tainted products to Europe for hemophiliac children after they knew it was tainted!

Drugs company Bayer realised their product had been contaminated with AIDS, so what did they do, they still sold it because they didn't want to lose money, and when the US officials found out, they knew they couldn't continue, so they sold it to the Europeans, with full knowledge of US officials.

Now another drugs company, Baxter got caught shipping vaccines with live bird-flu virus in them to 18 countries, and when caught out were calling it an 'accident' !!!