Anonymous ID: 0b4373 Dec. 4, 2017, 9:44 p.m. No.35155   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I did some research in the 80s and discovered a scientific report in one of the World Health Organization (WHO) volumes from the early 70s that was a research paper on a man-made virus that attacks T-cells. At the end of the report there was a discussion of what the next steps were going to be and it stated that Black men in New York City would be given 'shots' with this new virus and that the results would be monitored. New York is where AIDS first appeared in the early 80s amongst homosexual black men.


When I discovered this research paper I had it photocopied and even had the green slip of paper that logged where it was in the British Library. I carried this paperwork around with me wherever I moved to for over 10 years. I then lent it out to an organization for them to look at. I never got it back from them as it 'disappeared'.


When I went back to the British Library in March 2017 I spent two days going through all the WHO volumes and found that the volume that had contained this research paper had disappeared.


Even the magazine that I had got the reference from of where to find this data had entirely disappeared from the archives of the library -p the entire set of magazines could no longer be found.


Now, all that I have is a memory of what I had discovered. That really sucks.

Anonymous ID: 0b4373 Dec. 4, 2017, 10:08 p.m. No.35311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5327



Morbid humor? You have no idea that you have hit the nail on the head then!


There is a lawsuit I came across where Pepsi Cola was protecting its right to use fetal tissue cells as a flavoring additive. I can't find that info now but here is a link to a site that talks about it:


And here is part of the article:


Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to companies that use them in food chemical research

PepsiCo's lack of response is particularly curious, as the junk food giant was embroiled in controversy several years ago following the revelation that it was using aborted human fetal tissue in the testing of flavor enhancement chemicals added to its soft drink beverage products. In early 2012, PepsiCo announced that it would stop using the controversial HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) cell line to test its flavor enhancers.


But PepsiCo may still be supporting such endeavors through its alleged contributions to Planned Parenthood, which the company has yet to refute or deny. As more information about this latest scandal is revealed, PepsiCo's involvement (or non-involvement) will more than likely take center stage among pro-life groups who've been closely watching the company's actions in the years following the Senomyx scandal.


One of the companies on the dole of Planned Parenthood's organ dealing operation is StemExpress, which supplies human blood, tissue products, primary cells and other "clinical specimens" to companies like Senomyx, which then use them to test food products for companies like PepsiCo, for example.


"Planned Parenthood's hand in this nauseating maltreatment of human beings represents only the tip of the iceberg and has been the source of tremendous benefit for one company purchasing PP's baby parts and then selling them off to biomedical researchers for profit," writes Paul Bois for Church Militant.


"That company is StemExpress … (which) openly states in bold print its 'human tissue products range from fetal to adult' while guaranteeing that 'every sample delivers the purity, viability and quality' the buyers look for."