Anonymous ID: d68230 Dec. 4, 2017, 9:19 p.m. No.34975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Have you been watching the news since Friday?

Michael Flynn Charged With Lying To FBI, Set To Plead Guilty

John Podesta Lashes Out At Feminist Over Pizzagate Question At Duke University

Mark Zuckerberg's Sister Describes "Horrifying And Offensive Comments" Of Sex Harasser Airline Passenger

Is the Deep State at War–With Itself?

>Who is Peter Strzok?

No. 2 official in counterintelligence, top counterintelligence expert at the FBI

changed key_phrase in comey speech

>How was he compromised?

no such agency leaked personal texts

How was he paid?

Strzok was the FBI’s moneyman who paid Steele

Who is Melissa Hodgman?


Lisa Page was mistress

Melissa R. Hodgman (who had been appointed by the Obama regime as an Associate Director in the SEC Enforcement Division

>Date of promotion?

>Focus on the date.

Oct 14, 2016

>What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

White washed email investigation

wrote comey speech

Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.


Nov 7 last year

Date of promotion of wife?

month before?

>How do you control a puppet?

strings. desire. bribes. surround with handlers

#2 in FBI?


Wife connection?

What is a pattern?

Follow the wives.

>Keep watching the news this week.

What just passed in the Senate?

tax reform


Who is their new handler? mi/potus/patriots.

Do as told?

Why is this relevant? new power structure

Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly? lauer

Bottom middle top.

Hussein Iran connection.

Bombs away.

Merry Christmas.


God bless Q.

Anonymous ID: d68230 Dec. 4, 2017, 9:24 p.m. No.35007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


IRC is back door to NK access for funds, resources, access