Who donated most to Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign ?
by organisations:
> This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2016 cycle. The money came from the organizations' PACs; their individual members, employees or owners; and those individuals' immediate families. At the federal level, the organizations themselves did not donate, as they are prohibited by law from doing so. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
by people & people representing organisations:
> Corporations aren’t allowed to directly donate money to a candidate’s campaign committee. However, they can sponsor political action committees (PACS) or donate unlimited amounts to independent expenditure only committees (Super PACS). Individuals can donate a maximum of $2,700 (per election) to a candidate’s campaign committee and unlimited amounts to Super PACs. Super PACs cannot make contributions to candidates, parties or other PACs but can independently advocate for a certain candidate.
Who donated to The Clinton Foundation ?
The eye-opening list of donors to the Clinton Foundation (list)
How many names on these lists will trace to the sealed indictments when they are unsealed ????