Poor Pope is triggered today at King POTUS giving him the smackdown. We definitely know POTUS decision was good for America if the Pope was melting like a snowflake.
All heil POTUS!
Poor Pope is triggered today at King POTUS giving him the smackdown. We definitely know POTUS decision was good for America if the Pope was melting like a snowflake.
All heil POTUS!
Big governments are worried. And so should they be. Fuck big governments!
So where is the Iranian response to POTUS naming Jurusalem the capital? What, they afraid they are going to get a smack down from SA and Israel? Lol
Poor fuckers thought they had it in the bag with BHO.
POTUS is quiet on twatter again. Must be something big around thr corner.
Getting hard just thinking about it.
Holy shit, Q
Autists, get on it
Q, will we see a major unsealing of indictments before Christmas?
When will SID fly???
More Q!
Thank God.
We truly have a enlightened one in the White House.
God bless! Dont stop fighting ever. We love POTUS and the United States Marine Corps!
Q, will we see some big arrests before Christmas?
We really want to!
McMaster, whe will he "fly"?
Q, please continue to give confirmations of your "connection" to POTUS. All of the Twitter and other clues that showed a direct relation really smacked the naysayers and left-wingers down with regard to your legitimacy. It really helps and I am sure it makes a few key criminal Dems anxious at night.
Q, please tell us what we are missing in regards to the crumbs?
Autists, watch Sid B. news, twatter
Where is he tomorrow?
Did Sarah and John expose whomis leaking?
SID will be indicted this week, Q?
Or just FLY
Q, what about CA?
Will we see PM change?