What do you guys ACTUALLY think is going to happen during the shutdown?
It's never going to be "ITS HAPPENING" in the way we want it to.
The government is never going to be taken down for pizzagate. Public can't handle it.
HRC will never be taken down for being a murderer. Public can't handle it.
The world is run by satan worshipers? Never gonna come out. Public can't handle it.
At best, people go to prison but for 'normal' crimes. We will know deep down but we will still be those 'crazy conspiracy theorists' because pizzagate will never be proven etc.
At least this is my fear. So I don't want us to get our expectations/hopes too high because in reality, its not like 30% of the gov is going to be rounded up in one day, alien disclosure happens, NWO gets exposes and Trump is Jesus 2.0. Will never happen. The world would literally implode.
It sure seems like it is 'happening' but I don't think it will ever get to the point where we want it to get…