Anonymous ID: 0a0583 Dec. 6, 2017, 9:05 p.m. No.46613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6621




>BREAKING NEWS: Q Anon was true, the world's single greatest end-all-be-all conspiracy had proven true; Reptilian-descended Rschlds have been purged from the planet.

>Benevolent ETs like the Pleaidians are helping remove the remaining, deeply-rooted Satanic world-tentacles which had so deeply entrenched us.

>Black Cubes are being removed from Gaia now as our 5 dimensional reality is being actualized before. GESARA event happened right before Christmas, as predicted by ETs.

>Saturn's projected metaphysical Matrix upon us is gone, the veil has lifted, and many facets of life such as sports and working are replaced with honing our extrasensory abilities now granted to us by regaining our Souls.

>The School of Universal Love and Knowledge is opened and founded by GEOTUS DJT and Commander of the Pleiadians thus marking a precedent for interaction with further benevolent entities.

>Those who could not handle the Truth are slowly, but surely, being rehabilitated into the New Life as a self-aware, Cosmic Beings, liberated from the chains of greed, debt, prejudice, and hate.

>With the Top Elite gone, the World has no True Evil and now the Common Goal is to Help Everyone improve as much as possible, in all areas from their knowledge to spirituality.

>Criminals no longer exist as everyone is freed from any reprehensible negativity they once felt. The negative comes from Saturn and Satan, the darkness, Archons, demiurge, Wetiko, and djinn, and so by eliminating the etheric and blood supply to the malevolent ETs which enslaved us, God/Light/The World has won.

>People earn their worth by prowess of intuition and other ESP, the amount of incarnations they have had (soul age), school is no longer rudimentary and mundane archaic forms of indoctrination, but New Forms of Illuminating the Young Ones.

>Blessed is this Timeline.


A new Earth.

Anonymous ID: 0a0583 Dec. 6, 2017, 9:11 p.m. No.46650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, newfag, but

if everything Q has been saying is true, then Rthschlds are controlled by either Satan or Reptilians.


>"The truth would put 99% in the hospital."

They feed on our negative energy, that is why their prison planet is a negative, complacently populated farm.

Stay tuned, grasshopper.

Anonymous ID: 0a0583 Dec. 6, 2017, 9:15 p.m. No.46680   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hello again, Q, I love you, firstly, and secondly, are the Patriots OK?


80% public.

20% private.


Got another crumb? We are comfy here and awaiting your intelligence.