This. So much for them being wholly the good guys.
We sort of loosely started in on the FC, but everyone was giddy and we had a lot of sliders until well after midnight EST when I collapsed.
The anon who will be redefining his employment (I hope it was actually a good ting and he'll be karmatically rewarded for his diligence here) isn't alone in that this, and the research does become consuming. It's well past collegiate level crash courses in many subjects all at once. I've been /pol for a while, but this and PG were/are like careers sort of. It's ok. It's important.
Title is Bombs Away on Pearl Harbor Day, and I wonderedโฆ maybe that is sort of what Q meant? Big bombs in the testimony arenas and a tip of the hat to today?
FYI, this guys show is pretty good. He's not a wacko extremist and pretty level headed dude, and great musical taste.
No, he's saying we are fascists and will crush people we do not agree with. He is an ass hole through and through.
Wait til flying Ubers/Lyfts get the go ahead. /s
they want them, they got them, pilotless 2 seaters. It's the Jetsons.
When money is flush they all go back to helicopters and charter jets. When it sucks, they go greyhound.
Are you kidding?! That horse face and teeth are definite genetic. Someone dumped a snaggle toothed brindle pit bull on me about seven years ago and the first thing I thought of when I saw her was "Chelsey." and voila so she was named. She only had three tricks too! -shake hands over and over and over and flash those hideous teeth.