Have a Foval.
Is it time for anons to go deep on law and remove corrupt judges using lawful process?
The new face of police corruption. Call out the shitbags so the good police get the honor and respect they deserve.
When this came out originally the thinking was that "technology" was in reference to encrypted communication equipment. I don't think that was ever proven.
Not loading.
Is she somehow exploiting her position to to funnel money into war?
Is her tech + Clinton connection what's significant? Is she a nexus for the tech-left's use of tech for censorship in opposition to the spirit of the internet?
Remember in 2012 when 0bama quietly introduced kill-switch tech into many core internet hubs? Remember how the US internet has had extra ms of latency since then on nearly every route? Almost as if that's also when real time traffic logging was turned on?
This. Commies obviously seek power with the intention to use it for evil purposes.
Full-stack dominance.
Cya faggot. Have fun overdosing on heroin and having your corpse gangraped by niggers with AIDS.
>Renee James
>homeland security
Did she have something to do with DHS making a power grab for vote counting?
Interdasting, I don't like her, something stinks.
Learn how to write proper English faggot. It's irrelevant anyway if she was responsible for backdooring or concealed it. If she's either, she's dirty and must be exposed.
Good find, post archived links tho.
More like diversity sigil. I doubt the cunt can write a single line of code.
How could she be connected to the DHS vote rigging power grab? What would that look like and then let's look for it. Maybe we get a twofer and at the same time btfo DHS faggots and their TSA subsaharan animals.
>Intel Management Engine
>It's a classic long term Clown operation to subvert the tech industry
<what is truecrypt for $420 alex?
<you know what to do
>remote controlled commercial airplane device thing
I remember that pic but I don't know how your point comes together or even what it is, it seems vague other than somehow you get to a bluebeam style deception. That's probably coming or already being used but, and?
Don't forget Obummer also spent time in ME working for Clowns.
>big data
<not surprising
She's exactly the kind of person spearheading politically motivated spying that goes well beyond metadata.
>Juncker tweeted pic of white smoke
In expectation of the assassination attempt on May, to signify the death of English sovereignty?
We have to get her to give up who paid her to make the accusations. What do you want to be it points back to (((leftists)))?
>leak fake sex crime story on an R
>MSM/D go right to guilty, skip presumption of innocence
>real leaks about D raping begin
It lines up.
(((They))) might be surprised to know how many """black leftists""" are patriotic Americans hip to their racist Democrat game and are subverting their Marxism from the inside.
There's a simple and final (((solution))).
Does that mean callcenter salesniggers working for mortgage companies, leading up to the mortgage crisis of 2008, were given jobs trolling on the internet?
We'll Watch.
Sock puppets, propaganda/trolling bots? I remember when (D) started accusing Trump of bots, it was when CTR bots and HQ were exposed.