Anonymous ID: 6ea8fb Dec. 8, 2017, 7:15 a.m. No.54238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4244 >>4252 >>4344

Copy/pasta from last thread.


What I’m getting is that Antifa and BLM etc are mostly low level work for per diem and their money has dried up.p but SB is different.

Much, much higher up the pole and the core has a lot to lose. Soros sent his money to an NGO but we aren’t really following it after that (need to do) so some of tgat is still flowing, not just directly.

And, more importantly, Brock et al are independently wealthy…with lostso art to sell.

T.podesta reportedly dropped some to cover exit from company.

Inner circle will get on twatter, FB, Redbit themselves and drive narrative if needed but for now, they still have plenty of “friends” in MSM whose heads are also exposed, and plenty of willing slobbering soldiers yo carry on for scraps.

They are scared but not giving up.



Bill as in WJC?

Barely computer literate and doesn’t care about what peons really think of him. Oddly, doesn’t think he is personall in danger, more like royalty he thinks. Way above Hill.



As if we didn’t know, Megyn Kelly is cozy buds with James A.

Shooter of comet was also friend.

Brock is buttbuds with Angelo Caruso


If not that, then no. I was on 4plebs archive following an anon who claimed to be ex Brock employee.