Thanks baker!
I think it’s more along the lines of satellite teleconferencing
Would make sense
Haha thank you
There seems to be a deeper inter web of family resemblances that aren’t displayed through publicly listed genealogy. She looks like a Rothschild, Obama and OBL look related and I’m also still convinced Hillary looks like Soros. They’re keeping it in the family, but we just don’t know about it. And on a side note, we all know Chester Bennington looks like Podesta. There’s a link to illegitimate children…
Yup, and that’s also why we don’t fully know net worths of these bloodlines; it’s divided amongst so many people you wouldn’t know were connected.
Committee 200 >>follow the wives>>
Ringleader: Hillary? Or Renee?
Invitation Only: Members join by invitation only and come from for-profit or nonprofit organizations. The companies must meet specific criteria on minimum revenue, fees, or assets, and members must be known as risk takers or innovators. C200 also operates a foundation that supports women’s business leadership through scholarships, research, awards, and mentorship. A two-year Protégé Program that was introduced in 2014 is designed to mentor 15 women a year from companies with annual revenues of $5 million to $15 million who are seeking to push the firms to a higher level. C200’s Reachout program targets undergraduate and MBA students and gives participants the opportunity to learn directly from women entrepreneurs.
Osama’s father is reported as Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden who is claimed to be a peasant from yemen and started a construction company is Saudi with close ties to the Saudi Royal Family so I wouldn’t be surprised if their real father was a Saudi Prince
It’s deeper than that. She looks like she could be Renee James de Rothschilds kid. There’s way more to it, imo
Holy distraction tactics, Batman!