A lot of what I have found has been seeming to point toward these fuckers end game somehow revolving around "removing children from their parents". for some sort of massive sacrifice. There is evidence that they might be trying to go forward with a project blue beam attempt.
Q has posted pictures of cities inside clouds and such. We know there have been news stories over the past couple of years of "people seeing what looks like a whole city in the clouds or ships in the clouds, etc. It was always "a natural phenomenon"
Could have been a test? Imagine how readily everyone would turn on themselves if a fake alien city appeared in the clouds demanding that people drag their neighbors over to the chopping block.
Hopefully Im wrong but If I am right we need to be warning people not to believe such bullshit… somehow.. Imagine.. they coudl easily rally the whole world to attack America if the demands were "destroy america or we super powerful ayys will kill you all"