>Most people here or interacting with Q content are not following the simplest directive from Q:
Most people here aren't people- they're shills and bots. Just don't engage with them. You shall know them by their fruits- if a post isn't worthwhile, move on. Only if a shill is a really convincing shill should you waste a post to point out that they are a shill (don't respond to their protestations).
Don't reply in a thread unless you have something to report.
Don't engage with those replying to threads that have nothing to report- they're shills.
Don't argue with shills about whether they are shills.
If you've been here from the beginning, you know far more than the public is currently capable of hearing. We should be preparing the public for for the measured release of that info by friendly media sources like @imperator_rex magapill.com , Hannity, etc. ( a play on the ad campaign "got milk?" changing milk to uranium might work well).
Uranium One is the Keystone to our efforts. When it falls, it will take everything else out with it. Developing a tactic to infiltrate the collective consciousness with some simple phrase asking a question but providing no answer (creating an unresolved tension which makes it lodge in the brain) might work well to set the stage for what is to follow; something like the "it's okay to be white" campaign. Maybe target churches.
Jesus is Lord, Satan's a douche