>Caris James
Too young. https://pedocaust.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/a-complete-summary-on-caris-and-her-parents-carisjames/
Interesting. Caris means "dear". I can't find any childhood or personal info on this person who has such a stunningly powerful career. Nothing..no college info, no early pics..its as if she was created out of thin air.
It also means>>55201
..and it also means… "expensive"
Yup and yup. But sadly I have to get off the board now….I am sure someone will come up with a brilliant find when I get back >
Well, It appears the Clinton is mommy, at least in spirit.
The former New York senator and secretary of state was introduced by Intel President Renee James as “a pioneer,” and a “modern day suffragette” and added — to cheers — that since women got the vote, “we have waited 95 years to have a woman lead our country.”