Anonymous ID: 933ad5 Dec. 8, 2017, 7:19 p.m. No.57563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6790 >>1759


The only true path is through GOD Amighty our Heavenly Father. He will send Jesus, his only son and our savior, to us to help us get HOME. We must open our heart to accept Jesus as the son of God who died and who rose from the dead so that our sins can be forgiven..(for we are all sinners and must be "purified" to reach God). WE must do this so that we will recognize our Savior when he returns to earth as the rightful KING. Religion was supposed to only be a "vehicle" to drive you to the path of God…but it became corrupted by evil because we all were deceived by evil (for it has many faces, many lies and wants to keep you from your true destiny).

Ask God to lift the veil of evil that has blinded you and ask HIM to awaken you. Ask HIM to rid the evil from you, repent all your sins, ask to be forgiven and ask for LOVE and LIGHT to fill your heart. GOD LOVES YOU for you are his child!

I have never been a bible thumper and don't go to church but this odyssey through "Q" made me do exactly what I just expressed to you and I had a moment of awakening. I connected the dots and truly realized that we are actively in Revelations (which has been going on for years and years…but we are close to the last seals to be broken). THIS is the purge of evil from this planet and if you open your heart to GOD, you will be saved (which is truly what being saved means). God loves us so much that he put his only SON on Earth knowing what would happen to him so that his pure blood would cleanse our sinned souls.

This is what has come to me in the past few days and is my awakening that I share with you. Don't worry about what others believe…you take your own journey to GOD and fill your heart with love and light. May God bless you! Go to the website in my link and find the article I posted in screenshot. Much love to you Anon!