We all need to seriously put a circle of white light of protection around our President and pray for his safety and protection from God.
I had a bad dream with him in it and it is symbolic and can be interpreted 2 different ways. The dream was there was a huge part and every single person was drinking white wine but Pres T was defiant and got red wine, it looked like blood. As he was taking a sip he had a pained look on his face and then there was a kicking of something.
So the 2 ways is it is President Trump's blood that is poured or it is symbolic of what P.T. is doing in taking other's blood.
I am not sure which way it was meant but I know that it really scares me with the thought of it being his blood.
Yeah, I am putting my dream out here for people not to concentrate or even think of the negative but to pray pray for his protection.
Where we put our energy and thoughts is where it goes and putting in the consciousness of love and protection for what he is doing will have an affect.