This is early weekend grandma central right now. They need to be nuked
Bunch of hectoring old crones with bone dry vags and empty nests
Now coming here to shit all over
This is early weekend grandma central right now. They need to be nuked
Bunch of hectoring old crones with bone dry vags and empty nests
Now coming here to shit all over
and also anon, the pedo damn has broken. nothing can stop that. Disney first. Then everyone. Strap in bruh
capes were cool tbh
Here's the thing anon. This story drops. Because of the news cycle and climate, context, etc. IT GETS ATTENTION
Now, all those other stories, well documented, hundreds of them, long ignored.
Cannot no longer be ignored.
The damn has broken.
All the Congress walking away/resigning because what they've done is so much worse than groping milf boobs at the state fair
dude gotta face like a Slipknot mask
There should probably be a new Disney thread here
This story has broken open the topic
Yeah, let's go back in time
Disney makes his initial secret money from porn โ template for all of Hollwood
Total crypto-Fascist/pervert/occultist patsy
Rand Corp plans all of Disneyland top to bottom
Modern day whore factory/sex kitten farm
From MM Club MTV > Demonic Whore Filth > Rinse and repeat
Anyway, that's a big topic. A bery black pill.
Even though we're decades into this, shocked that majority fail to connect:
Rosemary's Baby Anton Lavey > Polanski > Tate > Manson > Hollywood
There's a fucking circular diagram right there
yeah, Q established that Rock family was pushed out by Soros anon.
anon, there is a pdf of all of Qs posts in order, screen capped + text so you can search it, with links to the original posts, broken down page by page (about 300+ pages).
This is a very effective pill. It is pure Q. It tells the story as Q requested exactly as Q requested. People like solving things, like seeing the story unfold, like understanding the back-story, and will swallow the pill by making the connections themselves. PowerPoint format. It is the best meme.
Remarkable the self-draining so far. So sudden, so painless, no marital law, no rioting, just quietly slithering off, Art of the Deal
anon, some took the deals, many will not go quiet as we have seen so far. this is war. I agree, examples must be made. no other way. when the leaked vids of the kid rapes start droppingโฆ. bruh, i've wanted this for years, but this is going to be brutal for everyone
i feel that, i do. i'm just saying, i'm thankful for how flawless the execution has been so far because it could all blow the world up.
we want justice tho, anon
there's no other way
God is fucking pissed
how about a thread on this, anons?
anon, it hurts. more bad news. it will hurt when almost every other cherished institution is revealed as like. all of them anon. anyone and anything with power.
anon thanks.
this just demonstrates how vast and multi-prong the MAGA attack is.
While POTUS works the world with Twitter, every single Trump appointee is dismantling and destroying the system.
>muh Russia
>Drumpf twitter OMFG literally shaking!!!
>mus #resistance
>mus Mueller
Meanwhile, this shit. Amazing. What a time to be alive, anon
truth. like, every NFL season. Q pointed out one instance. not every # is important
she's not even Roths fam. Q posts id [L][d][R] as LORD d Roths
how about a new thread for Salvation Army anon? good digging on general
now it may be time to drill down in a thread
then get to work anon
Definitely time for a new thread!
they are commies, tho
Hey anons. This is a general thread. Nice discussion on Salvation Army. Time to move it to its own thread. We get it. Good work.
>Start a new thread now
Well done anon! Godspeed anons. Doing God's work.
Remember how Q posts started with Operation Mockingbird
One of the biggest ops in POTUS' war strategy has been destroying fake news, from day one
It is a national security issue
They are Clowns, all of them
POTUS is such a genius
Merry Christmas to you, dear anon
aww, don't be so salty anon
Q wants us to pray
Some get a little God tweaked
It's big stuff
People gotta deal in their own ways
we are forging a thousand year empire, anon
what's being laid down now will endure
because it is just
because it is good
bruh, communism is satanism
killed 100 million so far, anon
not willing to forget that
don't need a lecture, anon
well, good luck anon.
but your not the gatekeeper
Q was explicit
Assemble the crumbs, in order, create the map
Raw pill, that's it
I don't give a shit about your shitty editorial standards or topic ban list
Fuck off with that
Almost all meme here is substandard suckfest
Good morning to everyone except Sharia Blue faggots and Clowns!
huh. something there, anon
You're not wrong, anon. POTUS made fucking damn sure President Jackson was placed front and center once POTUS assumed power
Interesting, anon. I member. I believe you.
No need to argue here. Q was very clear. We avoided an extinction level event. They wanted us all dead.
When does Trump reveal his power level and sue Tusk for copyright and trademark infringement?
anon, you're not wrong, but until the bad actors stop the manipulation, the Left/Right represent REAL ACTORS WITH ACTUAL BAD INTENTIONS. You can't dismiss Antifa, for example, or Shariablue, or the DNC. Evil and still powerful. This isn't a fucking theory. We're at war faggots
Imagine life with that hanging on your neck every day
Q alluded to this, Mayo visits, etc.
Sum of All Fears, anon. Please re-read the map. That's all Q asked us to do.
Q responded to my request for validation because it was useful.
I'm sure he'll do just fine without your concern
If he's not picking your pet theory, then its garbage and he doesn't care about your garbage
Q asks you to pray against the Satanists. Ends his messages to us with God Bless Patriots.
So fuck right off m8.
Stop policing the board based on your own stupid feelz
No one gives a shit faggot
good stuff
nice, anon
those oughts tho anon
also this
>Skippy, Tom deLongs, Peter Levenda
When the Antarctica bs aliens bullshit tries to drop, thank these assholes for the pysop
>he must be a big player or else Q would not have given her her own post, is my thinking.
agreed, anon
Leon has surfaced recently
Predictably, he mad at POTUS
Ellison is Clown
>First Oracle contract with Clowns
>makes worlds biggest db
>owns Java
>owns key components of internet infrastructure
>owns data on govs, corps, black ops
cheers anon!
>the satanic sweat encrusted filthy wahhabi sodomites can't stand her odor
normies still don't understand why CEOs are paid 20 gorrillion / month
There are some autist-grade anons here this morning doing God's work on RJames
Godspeed faggots
Thank you
controlled financial demolition is possible
Last night was historic, anon.
Gave us hope, vision, and orders
Laid down beatings to all enemies
Issued warnings
What a time to be alive
watch the rally from last night anon
Good morning to everyone except shariablue faggots
you can either lurk moar or kys
>muh Drumpf
>muh imbeachmem
>muh #resist
Gonna push for sex scandal as predicted.
So much fail
It was historic and profoundly powerful
TP = cock teasing faggot who hypes for two weeks then shits out some cold soup
fingers just type it while I'm just all confy an sheit
why don't you castrate yourself and drink bleach?
>try tuh get pas muh goog honeypot lulz goiz
Andy Grove was Silicon Valley back in the day.
you wore three rubbers, right anon?
Merry Christmas to everyone here except ShariaBlue faggots and Clowns!
She's a Roths and she's in the middle of a lot of stuff. It's a glimpse into the Captains of the network, how it's run, who's in the network, what they're doing
>we really need a thread for this Renee James research
Please anons, do this. Not to run anyone of the general thread, but this is important and needs a devoted topic to capture and dive deep
Incoming ShariaBlewFags
>marching orders from emergency weekend meeting deployed and activated
>still gay and useless
>do not engage
he said it in the context of relating Disney to North Korea specifically
this is new and definitely related anon
The greatest ever. Destroying evil with one hand, uplifting a new hope and vision while restoring order with the other hand
We will fight Q. You fought for us. We fight for you. For God and Country. God bless all Patriots this very day.
nice work, anon!
thank you
just get comfy anon. have some cocoa. pet a cat. merry Christmas
go to sleep anon. its so comfy. dubs for sleepy sleep
Q, does this spot on my tip look normal to you?
those digits tho