Anonymous ID: 4e3036 What is CTR, ShareBlue? Info everyone must know. Dec. 9, 2017, 7:27 a.m. No.59512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let's brush up on this important subject and teach our newfriends.


Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton & Democrats from attacks online. It has received significant criticism due to its shilling and astroturfing premises. These people were here during election time.


After their defeat, they were revived and re-branded as ShareBlue. They flat out plan to mobilize resources to take down the President. They state repeatedly a goal to impeach him and snuff out any right-wing discussion online, conspiring against the President and government.

For our newfriends playing catch-up, you can read one of their leaked strategic memos here:



And yes, they are owned by David Brock of Media Matters. Democrat playboy, ex-lover of James Alefantis. Saucy. Pizza saucy.


Ever wonder who spams "blacked/le 56%/mixed race/Communism/etc." type posts? They do. These people are paid to be the cancer that tries to kill /pol/. Understanding this information and fighting back is our cure. Besides promoting leftist points, they also try to demoralize us and distract us from meaningful discussion and harnessing our weaponized autism.


Please share any more info you have on these people and groups. There's plenty of newfriends here that don't know about the Great Meme War of 2015-2016, who fought it, and how we were successful.

Anonymous ID: 4e3036 Dec. 9, 2017, 7:32 a.m. No.59533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A nice anon came and leaked some spicy info to us the other day. An ex-ShareBlue employee


Read up






Pics are other confession from ex employees

Anonymous ID: 4e3036 Dec. 9, 2017, 7:38 a.m. No.59549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These people are funded partially by Soros and rich Democrat donors and their purpose is to undermine our country and wipe out all right-wing media. Their legal arm is called CREW.


Our next battle:


ShareBlue / CTR / Brock are connected to a coup / subversion attempt within government agencies.


They are using the same encrypted Slack Channels ("Dumbledore's Army") that were discovered in the CFPB case a few days ago.


I am certain that this is proof of a line being crossed. We need FOIA requests for "Voldemort" and "Dumbledore" done in every government agency.


If anyone knows who to send this information to or has connections, then please take the lead from here, Im not even in USA.


PLEASE spread this. Nobody has made this connection until now, and it could be huge.


CFPB Dumbledore Army info: >


ShareBlue insider (legit, look at all their posts (3 pages)): >


CoA FOIA investigation:



Archive links:


In regards to CFPB



The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is without a doubt the single most important organization in the entire Deep State. The 7th Floor Group answers to them, and they have total, unquestionable power over all financial transactions.

Anonymous ID: 4e3036 Dec. 9, 2017, 8:09 a.m. No.59642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CRIMINALLY OVERLOOKED INFO on financial backings of CTR/ShareBlue


Links to the company that makes KIND energy bars, China, Peaceworks, and other shell companies.

Anonymous ID: 4e3036 Dec. 9, 2017, 10:28 a.m. No.60251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For reference to the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Dumbledore’s Army.


The CFPB has been used to attack companies for misleading or false advertising and ensures victims receive payments. Which we can all agree is a good thing. The problem is when they allow these companies to pay fines and a portion of that goes to leftist liberal causes in order to gain lower fines, similar to the whole banking industry. This contributes to the whole illegal slush fund system that Barrack Obama set up to ensure continual funds to pay for subversive activities.