Synopsis of Jeff & Cody Snodgres interview
(New info from 3 days ago)
Synopsis: This black ops contractor was asked to do the OKC bombing! He is coming out with tons of inside info. We armed Sadam Hussein with anthrax. We poisoned our military with an untested anthrax vaccine. Testing was also being done with injected microchips (McVeigh was "vaccinated" with implantable microchips!) . Vaccine caused Gulf War Syndrome (not scorched earth by Hussein as we were told). Military records records were stored at the Murrah Building in OKC that would expose them. Clinton records (Whitewater) were moved from Little Rock to the Murrah Building right before the bombing.
This contractor was arrested to keep him quiet. He was 3 cells down from McVeigh.
This guy is giving up all the names of who is involved. Incredible!
Oh man, anons – listen to this interview. t's long but OMG.