Having Q withdrawal syndrome
True, we need to find the post pattern. Exact times the posts were made. In one big list. I am sure the autists will find a pattern.
Q seems to post a lot in the evening/ night Eastearn Standard Time (EST), but he has recently posted in the morning around 10 a.m. Something is there.
To simplify and focus, maybe look at the times Q posts a major statement like go codes and when the actual action takes place or confirmed. What is the delay?
Did Q mention "C-level" anywhere or was that an Anon?
Q just proved we havent figured out Godfather III yet. I said the Lord's Prayer post was connected to the Pope!
Relevant news drops? We need to have a system for determining "relevant".
The board is lighting up. Thanks, Q, for stoking the fireplace.
Not sure if this matters, but the version of the Lord's Prayer does not include "For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen" But is that a Protestant version?
"Marker"? AUTISTS!
So Monday event is not part of the main event/ action?
Q knowing the Lord's Prayer change is sick! They are deep in the Vatican/ intelligence!!!
Yes, felt that speech was odd last night but in a good way. POTUS emphasis and speech patterns.
We need to go back and listen closely. He did emphasize words used by Q and POTUS twitter. Find Rightside Broadcasting Network on utube
Maybe Monday is a big action but it only scratches the surface of what is about to go down. "Tangent"
I think the major elements of the secret service having been helping POTUS and his team. They see EVERYTHING. The evil scum of globalist and company probably had them under control, but just look at how many past agents have broken silence and protocol and spoke out against HRC, WJC, etc.
The USSS sees everything!
Q, where the "White House Anons" really the secret service? The ones who showed the WH Christmas photos? Secret Service watches everything and it was AFTER the party that night and no people were in the photos, which would be hard if 400+ guests where there. Were they showing they are on our side?
Thank you, Q, for the confirmation!
Hope you arrest them in due time even if they arent the priority. MSM is evil.
Because POTUS controls the USSS.
POTUS can review everything in the past.
POTUS can order monitoring of BHO via USSS.