Virus inside bloodlines
Virus? Is that the so-called "aliens"?
Haplogroup Q or Q-M242 is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. That's in keeping with bloodlinesโฆ (Kazars & Zionist AshneNAZI's)
Project Snow White
Ten Days of Darkness- In blade runner this refered to a total wipe of electronics
Their use of an OTclear style mind control technique also fascinated me
Rh- stuff relevant?
All pregnant women are tested to see if they are RH-. If they are, they are given an injection to "prevent" disease.
but he sure got laid more than all of us combined
Anon, I'm a bitcoin multi-millionaire. I could afford Dubai shit parties if I was a degenerate. Tricking young, stupid women into fucking you is no accomplishment.
Crowley was a degenerate sodomite.
Much has been written about whether these two are father/daughter (out of wedlock). A lot on the web if you're curious.
I thought they wanted to breed their nose out so they can blend in with whites easier.
No it's not random.
What injection? Or do you mean the baby is given it right after being born?
What happens at Dubai shit parties? Never heard of that.
I like the French idea.
Static in the bloodlines
this thread seems to be open?
"NOT L vs. R" - Q in November.
Sure seems a lot like that to me. Almost like a Republican psyop? Q seems keen on hating Dems, yet in the same sentence claiming we are all Americans and free. My favorite part "Q said he will only post on this one board" a month later you've convinced yourselves Q changed his/her mind without telling folks and decided to post everywhere again. Yeeeeah. Who's asleep here? Stop wasting your time and live your lives. Trump is part of the beast. Take out Dems, claim a clean-up, in reality, replace scum with your own. That's America since it's existence and it aint changing because some guy comes on here and drops "crumbs" aka shit all over the internet if you just do research, it's nothing new or ground-breaking. Bullshit around bullshit around bullshit. It's all bullshit folks, and it's bad for ya.
A primer to revisit history, as a perspective to how we got here:
Q Anon, The Deep State Conspiracy & The Impending War
All is going according to plan. The best way to stop this, is to play the long game. And the most effective play in the now, is a major setback. The non-violent understands, that none of their plans will work without the foundation; thus, removing the elements of their foundation(s) is at a minimum a set back. Time is not on our side. We overslept.
>not knowing that post Jan 4 Q is fake
So she is a descenent of Crowley?