mysilmaril ID: 291e99 Dec. 9, 2017, 7:37 p.m. No.63619   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When will Obama the Revolutionary Renegade strike?


A coup d’état waiting to strike that is breath-taking in scope, and jaw-dropping in both conceit and deceit


In little more than a month after the much celebrated inauguration of America’s 45th, the troops wait to welcome back the master who assembled them: 250 Organizing for Action (OFA) offices had already set up across the country, staffed by 32,000 organizers, 25,000 of them now actively training anarchists, preparing to bring America down through civil disruption, and economic chaos.


Progressive left rabble-rousers who support Obama are blaming racist, Islamophobic and mostly misogynist President Donald Trump for the coming revolution


Barack and Michelle Obama, are long-time despicable community organizers who aim to take America down


America’s future, the future of Western civilization, the future of President Donald Trump; the future of your children and grandchildren depend on it


From Canada Free Press - February 23, 2017


mysilmaril ID: 291e99 Dec. 9, 2017, 7:57 p.m. No.63795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807 >>3816 >>4160



>Hussein = RENEGADE


Why is this important?


Because Hussein is a muslim that was not born in USA who is hell bent on destroying America and all patriots.


See this article:


When will Obama the Revolutionary Renegade strike?

From Canada Free Press - February 23, 2017



A coup d’état waiting to strike that is breath-taking in scope, and jaw-dropping in both conceit and deceit


In little more than a month after the much celebrated inauguration of America’s 45th, the troops wait to welcome back the master who assembled them: 250 Organizing for Action (OFA) offices had already set up across the country, staffed by 32,000 organizers, 25,000 of them now actively training anarchists, preparing to bring America down through civil disruption, and economic chaos.


This is why Hussein must be stopped.


Thank you Q. Praying for all patriots in harms way tonight. God speed.