>same sickness as HRC
Eating humans?
>fully energy independent by the end of the year.
Theres enough coal+gas+oil in america to pay off the national debt rather easily.
Hes been pushing the "christmas present" meme since the beginning.
That should have ended decades ago.
Try adding an MSM article within the graphic. Otherwise they'll claim its a muh right wing conspiracy.
Trump met with Kissinger as well but make no mistake Kissinger is a rat just like the rest of them.
Can't trust kikes anon. Especially a war criminal like him.
Notice how they're doing this on Monday so that it steals the entire news cycle. Shit is going down HARD tomorrow.
Probably the other way around. Fuckin dems always hold these cards in their pocket for when real news comes out. I give it 24 hours and these fakes will be destroyed by social media.
>Mueller still /ourguy/
If he isn't, he's the most incompetent prosecutor in history and we all know that isn't the case.
Its coming anon
Shitlibs are no match for Gen Z.