Anonymous ID: bfef97 Dec. 11, 2017, 1:42 p.m. No.75394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5432

Repost from bottom of last thread:

Why is that water filled, domed decanter on POTUS' signing table and why did the man on the left ostentatiously point at it twice after POTUS spoke & before shaking Trump's hand? Just curious.

Anonymous ID: bfef97 Dec. 11, 2017, 1:45 p.m. No.75421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Memes #2 zip upload still in progress … I think it restarted when I cleared cookies, darn it. About 30% to go, another hour maybe. Will post anonfile URL here when available.

Harvester AFK a few…

Anonymous ID: bfef97 Bulk memes #2 anonfile Dec. 11, 2017, 2:17 p.m. No.75602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5663




Memes #2 zip now available.

>Baker, baker, baker

<Baker, baker, baker

>Baker, baker, baker

Please update the pasta.


Meme threads --#1 >>2 with ~1400 images from CBTS General #1-December 9

--#2 >>61072 with over 550 images - Dec 9 to Dec 11, 2017 5:13pm EST

Bulk Downloads --https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/ >>62600

== --https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/ ==

Infographics -->>10


Anonymous ID: bfef97 CIA dismantled. Operations--> NSA. Dec. 11, 2017, 2:48 p.m. No.75786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5792 >>5837 >>5999

[C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled. Impossible to clean. Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency Q

https://twitter. com/IA_MQ/status/940345889704390657

Anonymous ID: bfef97 Space Dec. 11, 2017, 2:59 p.m. No.75845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5855 >>5871 >>5878 >>5929 com/watch?v=Wy_b5On26D0

President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for Space Policy Directive

After signing, man on the left points to the water-filled cylinder covered with a water-filled dome on POTUS signing desk. He points twice then shakes POTUS hand.

This was obviously an intentional and meaningful act, prearranged and planned. Everything this President does has a meaning and purpose.

Anonymous ID: bfef97 Dec. 11, 2017, 3:39 p.m. No.76034   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A guy I used to read always called her "Hillary Radomski Clinton". Try that. Skank is not who she portrays, that's for sure…..if she is even still alive.

Anonymous ID: bfef97 Rodham <-- Rodomski ! Dec. 11, 2017, 3:50 p.m. No.76103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6120

Compare two accounts of Hillary's name

1 → Wikipedia (Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia): Hillary Diane Rodham was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in a United Methodist family. Her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, was a son of Welsh and English immigrants. Hugh Ellsworth Rodham was an American textile wholesaler. He was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the son of Hugh S. Rodham and Hannah Jones, English immigrants.

>That's the 'official' story they want you to read. The realstory is below:

2→ http://www.tbrnews. org/Archives/a2798.htm Clinton-po raz 1-szy Żydówka prezydentem USA!

Hillary Rodham Clinton

"It seems that the family name of 'Rodham' was once Rodomski and her father’s family came from the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland and settled in England before emigrating to the Chicago area.

"… Hillary was, according to a California State Police report, found naked in bed with a black woman! Wonderful but not a surprise to those who know her. This was written up, and published, by San Francisco ‘Chronicle’ columnist, Herb Caen. When Bill became President, he sent the FBI to seize the report but copies had been made and circulated."


http://aangirfan.blogspot. com/2008/01/hillary-clinton-first-jewish-woman.html