Anonymous ID: 12df15 Dec. 12, 2017, 1:37 a.m. No.79611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0204


I’m searching for the keystone. Thanks to all the learning I've been doing I began to ask, what keeps the evil in power? What is needed for a few to oppress an entire population? What is holding the pyramid together?


Memes? A meme is only a bit of information that can replicate from mind to mind. However a carefully crafted meme can make the host believe the thought is their own. We are created equal, and are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights that only “We The People” can give away. In the end if not enough of us break the spell and these memes are left unchecked, destroying the existing global criminal network is leaving us open for the next smooth talking snake.


We have the Truth. The most powerful memeplex of all.


Zech 10:4

From him will come the keystone, from him the nail, from him the bow of war, from him will come every ruler;


Eph 2:20

Resting on the base of the Apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief keystone,


1 Pet 2:6

Because it is said in the Writings, See, I am placing a keystone in Zion, of great and special value; and the man who has faith in him will not be put to shame.


This Q project is authorized by POTUS and we are being given the most amazing gift. This is why we memed Trump into office. We believed. And as we expose the memes hijacking minds let’s expose the memes that free minds.


House of Rothschild, House of Soros, Bush family, Clinton's, MSM, Academia, Hollywood all have these public-memes in common: Abortion good, Welfare good/Nuclear family bad, Catastrophic Climate Change imminent. There is an anti-human theme that can be connected to everything in the map and in the news.


If you want to control a people break the bonds between father and mother, parent and child. This is where the civilian war is taking place. Why is single parenting praised and the nuclear family systematically removed from academia and society at large? Why are biological gender distinctions being destroyed?


Warfare is fought on the battlefield of our minds. What truth can you see? What heroes can you see? What can you say to effectively make a difference in the midst of warfare?


Thinking for yourself requires research, documentation, and peer-review. Dig to see the truth around you. Document to connect dots. Share what you have found for the peer review process to take place. Pray.

Anonymous ID: 12df15 Dec. 12, 2017, 2:28 a.m. No.79726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ri Ho Rim, secretary general of North Korea's Red Cross Society must meet regularly with Rothschild reps regularly, right?