Anonymous ID: f6a5e9 Thoughts in the harsh dawn Dec. 12, 2017, 7:08 a.m. No.80253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0271 >>0316

Been lurking every day since Nov 4th.


It is inspiring to witness the unconstrained social dynamic and the anon dedication which shines through all the shilling troll actions of distraction, really the heart in joyful motion within the mind, once you filter out all the noise of bad faith actors!


THIS heart says that it will be OK for everyone with a feeling heart and a seeking mind.


We all have forgotten the meaning of living for far too long. We are emerging from a lifelong trance, a persistent delusion enabled by the corruption of most all social institutions and constantly reinforced through technological hypnosis, 24/7.


What was conceived to be a mirror reflecting the social structure for our inspection and adjustment, the “press”, has been summoned by subjectivist magicians into being a mega-monster, the MEdiaMatrix, an industrial-strength reality distortion machine, making everything real shimmer in an unnatural heat wave dance, driven by the beat down of every loving impulse before it can grow into a true feeling!


We stagger from the weight of the lies we have carried; almost everything in the social sphere has been a deliberate, long-refined falsehood, designed to shuffle our carcasses through a system of corrupted intent, while life and treasure is systematically stripped away by zombie gangs along our way to a frustrated, premature end.


What remains true is our responsibility to our fellow humans to wake up and smell the tyranny behind every trap set for the mass mind. Only a mind freed and powered by their free spirit will be able to rise above the ashes of our illusory civilization and reach out to create new social contracts.


No way out of here but all the way through this clusterfuck, awakening from our cherished delusions and facing the ugly music we have allowed to choke out all love of life with its ever present demands.


Now, after too many years of divide and conquer programming, we must rediscover our deep and ultimate connection to each other, throw off ALL the false limiting beliefs we carry around our necks like yokes. The joke is on all of those who have traded soul for the temporary guilty pleasures of power and degradation of the innocent, a choice which blinds their minds to any and all facts which might challenge the intensity of the fear high with a mind-shattering crash.


With some fortitude and courage, those not committed to the deathcult can walk right into a future so unlimited that we can barely imagine it from here. All the pieces of knowledge are present; what remains to be done is to come together with other people who have faith in the power within them and create a viable working civilization, no longer based on fear programming but based on the creative power of love in action.


As always, the choice is ultimately ours to make, but there is great pressure on this timeline, so we who care about more than our subjective worlds must see our choice clearly now and make it for the better!


Godspeed, anons!