>This technically advanced global system likely extends back 70,000+ years ago
I've put the better part of the past year into this stuff. Look up information on interglacial and glacial periods. The last 2 glacial melts were on an order of really not much of a temperature difference, the third one back, which happened anywhere from 75-125k years ago, was quite substantial and would presumably amount to much more of a devastating flood than the others.
Further, if you sperg into proto europeans you will find that prior to the exodus they were in the area of the ukraine, down to the caspian sea, and south west toward the med. If you examine land maps of what the land area of the earth is believed to have looked like circa 125k years ago you will find that much of the med was land and it sea itself amounted to a narrow strait not much wider than the strait of gibraltar today.
Its not unreasonable to assume their most monolithic cities were along this water way and when the ice melted they were submerged. Most of the ruins we have available seem to imply that the structures were washed away by overflowing rivers and mudslides.
Add to that, it is widely accepted that the vedics and the proto-mongols traveled to asia after the flood happened. That is a mightly long distance for a sustainable population of people to travel, without infrastructure, or over destroyed infrastructure if it had existed, over mountains and nearly impassable terrain. Surely, they would have traveled as far as they could before fall and then have been forced to set up makeshift settlements and gather supplies for the winter. Presumably, they would have also found areas where the settlement set up was in a well enough position on fertile land for them to decide to stay for a few seasons rather than continue on.
It is said the vedics arrived in northern india somwhere around the years 12,000-6,000 bc. That very well may be the case, but even if it is it would seem to disprove the official kike timeline of when the flood happened simply on the grounds of thats a whole lot of fucking distance to drag a sustainable population of women and children, feeding and sheltering them along the way. Such a migration could have, and should have, taken thousands of years.
The deception is 1) we are much older than we 'know' and 2) how things came to be the way they are is entirely evil, an advanced civilization wouldnt have crumbled so horrible just because some cities were flooded, it would have been bad but not that bad… something else happened.
Theory I've been playing with in my head is.. There are many myths that are widespread, it is most likely that there is atleast some degree of truth to most of those, if not all. One of those myths is that we were hyper advanced and had a technology that enabled us to communicate telepathically. What if that is true and the kikes decided to use it to broadcast complete and utter insanity to the point where everyone believed that the sky was falling and the only way to prevent it was to destroy everything and themselves, with the survivors running so far into the mountains that by the time the signal stopped broadcasting because the kikes are stupid and couldnt maintain the equipment on their own, they had completely forgotten the vast majority of what was and what had happened and how to rebuild the technology they once had.
Another widespread myth is the myth of the tree of life/tree of wisdom and it can be summarized as "the tree is our lineage, the fruit is the wisdom that the tree (father) passes onto the roots (son) when he dies, as long as that fruit continues to fall from the tree the roots can not be destroyed, but the moment it is interrupted the demons/serpents/dragon will destroy them and the tree (connection of father-son, ancestral spirit, holy spirit) will be knocked over.
With the interruption of the passing on of ancient wisdom the kikes are free to do what they please, such as alter the definitions of words to suit their needs. They have done this with many words, the knowledge of their original meanings being so vastly different that they change the entire translation of ancient tales. One word in particular is "sin". The original meaning of that word is very peculiar. Ya know what it meant? Not 'trespass' or 'crime' or 'blaphemy' or anything of that nature. It originally mean "to forget".
And with that, coupled with what we have learned over the past several weeks, is, my fellow PATRIARCHS, is, what I now believe, the story of ORIGINAL SIN..