Remember, "race" is their key card. While denying trump the means to restore america (make america white european nation as it should be again), they will be working extra overtime to suppress white conservative votes, overdriving the guilt and outright racial assault against whites on psychological level to essentially cow America into accepting foreigners on their soil, and ENDLESSLY pushing the 'demographic trend' narrative that they falsely deem 'irreversable'.
Real truth is, when we take out the criminal as well insidiously racially motivated hostile element within US, we do not have much of a demographic change - whites only need to increase their birthrate in one generation and we have our nation back on its feet.
(((They))) will be committing new forms of subversive voter fraud, bussing in voters, trying to intimidate officials, data tampering, social/data engineering + outright pressure, social atmosphere manipulation, ANYTHING to do this.
Just look at virginia.