Roy Moore leads by 5 percentage points over Doug Jones with 71 percent of precincts fully reporting.
The stealing begins:
Roy Moore leads by 2.5 percentage points over Doug Jones with 75 percent of precincts fully reporting.
Roy Moore leads by 2.8 percentage points over Doug Jones with 76 percent of precincts fully reporting.
Getting better:
Roy Moore leads by 3.0 percentage points over Doug Jones with 77 percent of precincts fully reporting.
Looks like the fix is in.
Roy Moore leads by 0.7 percentage points over Doug Jones with 81 percent of precincts fully reporting.
It looks like the "Yellow Hammer" state may become the Red Hammer state.
Roy Moore leads by 0.0 percentage points over Doug Jones with 85 percent of precincts fully reporting.
Just because Moore lost, does not mean that Hillary is not going to jail.