Anonymous ID: a75758 Dec. 13, 2017, 8:28 a.m. No.88424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8493


We are going to need people on all platforms pushing the red pills. Facebook, You tube, Twitter, reddit, etc

Also People who were supporting Bernie Sanders were red pilled in 2016,, many if not most ,know how corrupt Democratic party and Hillary Clinton are. They witnessed mass cheating, fraud and rigging, and lies about them by MSM.

. The left does have many , many good people , who stand against corruption and evil. Need to have the Bernie people red pilling as well, and other progressives. They are on our side. The elites have been trying to divide us for years.

There are many, many issues both the right and left agree on.

There are progressive journalists who will cover and spread word,, H.A. Goodman,, Jimmy Dore, Tim Black, and many others, like Lawyer Jared Beck( DNC lawsuit). All of these journalists have covered Seth Rich murder, DNC cheating( DNC lawsuit) Hillary's crimes,, Clinton Foundation, etc.

We need people on left and right helping eachother, spread the word, and being United as Americans against these evil people.