Consider also that these people have big money behind them, which pays for the best makeup artists money can buy. Chin implants. Cheek implants, etc. New tits. A character is killed off because there is no more money or other gain in it, and the individual goes on to play someone else. Madness. A house of mirrors my friends.
But some things can't be totally eradicated or hidden. A man's ring finger is longer than the index finger, but only 3% of women have this feature. A man's shoulders are generally wider than the hips, whereas a woman's hips are wider. A man's waist is gathered lower than a woman's by 2-3 inches and the man has an adonis belt. Also a more prominent adams apple. Eyes generally set further apart and a wider mouth than a woman. You will see M-F trannies often standing with one knee pushed inward instead of standing straight, which gives the false impression of wider, more feminine hips.