Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 5:20 p.m. No.91467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1477


Please read the spreadsheet anon.



Is that really constructive though? Really? Wouldn't it be more constructive to answer the questions that haven't been yet? Make memes of the ones that have? Those who follow that chick can do so over on cuckchan, right? The ayy lmao, metaphysical &ct is also sliding nonsense trying to lead down rabbit trails. We have a job to do, and those who want to discuss totally different topics are free to do so on different boards or sites, no?

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 5:25 p.m. No.91502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1511


>An while locked, I don't think SSAnon is engraving in stone.

Correct. That is really so the same questions don't get filled up with various answers in the open column repeatedly, by well-meaning anons who have missed other posts or discussions and therefore come to a totally different and erroneous conclusion (based on lack of that info & perspective). When new info or clarification comes, the old or erroneous answers get changed. Hope that makes sense.

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 5:41 p.m. No.91596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1786 >>1800


TBH MEGA seems like a jealous woman a lot of the time, her posts are really just common sense and nothing I've seen ever shows any kind of "inside" knowledge at all. Some anons really like her and follow her, but it's hard to see why people post her stuff here trashing Q. Anons here are because they want to answer the questions and make the memes. If they want to read her, they can on cuckchan and keep up with her there..

>This Jeff Sessions as GFIII is nuts, though.

Was another few anons' idea and I posted the reasons why I thought it would fit. The Lord's Prayer thing doesn't fit unless he's RC and/or friends with someone high in the Church. I don't know. I can't see it as the Pope right now though and there was this tidal wave of evangelicals who were a bit rabid about that which made me extremely suspicious. I don't have the answer, and none of the other answers really sit right with me, and I'm a logical (vs feels) person… I also don't know the answer to Geronimo.



It's function is to collect the answers anons find and put them in one place for everyone to build from. The wiki is set up for more detailed answers and more narrative type format. Yes, it's a lot of work here, there and everywhere!

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 5:55 p.m. No.91683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1705 >>1996


>There was ONLY work posted. None of this ‘hi q’ bullshit. Q comes for WORK not fucking anonymous greetings

I have a sneaky suspicion that is being done by design, to drown out, fill up the thread super-fast and annoy him.



>New brains looking at old info is not a bad thing, though

Getting up to speed FIRST is paramount. And that's why many answers in the spreadsheet are locked - a lot of people putting in answers that have nothing to do with the context, by anons who aren't up to speed yet.



>if they are gonna come into the house, respect the rules set up.

YES, and not try to change the culture or create a totally different one.


Not a social club

Not to work on your karma or figure out the secrets of the universe

Not religious proselytizing


I once wrote up a detailed post on how cl0wns do this, the methods and tactics. It was during the evangelical wave (from the Conservative Treehouse). Not bad people per se, but just completely alien to this place. Some were cl0wns blending in with them and exploiting the situation. I, of course, was a big giant meany poo-poo head for pointing it out. And one proceeded down every single point like clockwork. Amazing. I'm not here to be friends, I don't need any anons to like me, we just need to get our job done. Ok I'm done. No more bitching. Just work.



Their donors

Their Board of Directors

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 6:25 p.m. No.91842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1853 >>1855 >>1856



Like I said, some like her and follow her, others don't. She has one perspective, Q has a different one. I don't see the point in posting her stuff in here.



>It's starting to unravel fast for the Demoncrats…

And it will only gather speed and momentum. This is what the impatient don't understand.



Yes, because the method works.



I'm all for info from many places and hashing it out. As for the RC, yeah, POTUS has the info and your assessment is historically correct.


Still Geronimo… hmmm


I'm only decent sometimes, I'm on my best goy behavior.

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: 6d167c Dec. 13, 2017, 6:36 p.m. No.91924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1967 >>1975



Well, the anon who originally created it had only questions. I went in after and added everything from the first time Q posted with his tripcode and the graphic compilation he posted on that day. I may have missed that one, if so I will go back and add it thank you - hopefully not because it will cause a re-numbering of everything afterwards…