Filler post. - I think Mueller is not on our team. Think he did some good when young, got recognized, turned political and picked the wicked way. In other words started out good, then turned to the dark side (insert SW theme here), just as many have started out bad, and turned good later.
Obama smoked dope, then found he was broke.
A saudi came by, and said "Boy, gonna make you fly!"
So O being one nasty, pedo himself.
He fit right in, with the new crowd he had found.
Plotted and schemed, with the Bilderburg group.
To take O'er the world, then planned a coup.
But he Donald got wind, of what was going down!
And said "Not on my watch! you freaking Clowns!"
Were almost there you Meme-ing Geniuses!
Whatever you do, dont trace the satanist to San Bernardino, then link that with the muzzies that went ape shit on a county office. Peeps will censor that shit every time ya try to post it.
Especially if ya tell em to look and see if anyone killed was connected to the Clintons or Podesta's
We are close. just a few more fillers needed!
There once was a shooting in San Bernardino!
And right outside town the hills were full of Demoninos!
omg we are so close! I will be one tab down SOOOOOON!
Bout to spread some delicious Memes on Twatter too…