Follow the wives… /en-us/news/politics/wife-to-run-for-seat-of-kentucky-lawmaker-who-killed-self/ar-BBGHXFY?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=iehp
Follow the wives… /en-us/news/politics/wife-to-run-for-seat-of-kentucky-lawmaker-who-killed-self/ar-BBGHXFY?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=iehp
just concentrate on making good bread and stop being a faggot, WTF is wrong with you
yes, this was the image in the last bread, thanks, Q mentions Tangent and Azure
so sort of like a SIEM?
pizzagate is trending because of video of Ajit Pai with Cernovich…. Media trying to discredit NN repeal, Cernovich and pizzagate all at the same time.