Sara links bad boy-fbeye stuff with access from no such agency programs. Suggests that is where un.mask.ing came from. Tie that to BO lackie susan.rice. docs (think evidence that the congressional committees want) hidden in admin library files.
Not for 5 years, but for 12. What happens to the country in 12 years with voting fraud running rampant? The truth of the crimes come out and nothing is done because the Ds can control for generations.
Allowing the bozos to get away with using Whitehat programs for badhat purposes is what Sara's article suggests. No such agency will take a hit for this, but it can also show who the bad actors are.
Thought - maybe we also need work on the road map. How does it all tie together?
Use graphics, make maps - tie it together for help in redpilling others?
why would q need help? Seriously!
How about to redpill normies with info they can find for themselves online. Help them understand the crumbs that are already in the news.
There is nothing secretive about using public info. It is the education and understanding that is key.
Knowledge is the keystones that brings the arch together.
Knowledge and wisdom is symbolized by the owl.
The wise old owl.
If old clowns saying about public not knowing truth is part of the plan to keep us stupid then we need to learn and know and help others learn and know. Especially the normies. We are the intermediaries and translators of the breadcrumbs.
And shills, we don't care about you. This isnp public info. Go crawl back in your hole or get burned by the light of truth you vampires!
Our minds and efforts are weapons, but some of us also have 30 cals. Come and take it!
God Bless Patriots!