Anonymous ID: 182aa6 Dec. 19, 2017, 4:37 p.m. No.128050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nazis had electro-gravitic tech in the 30's. before USA got theirs in early 40's via Battle of Los Angeles (largest/longest/most seen and documented UFO sighting in American History). Nazis are most certainly in Antarctica caverns as you read this. Back in President Ike's days, and before, heads of technology in black budget industry programs made treaties with Foreigners we call in our language the "Greys". The deal was for technology, in exchange for "biologicals" AKA humans and cattle. They could only take so much, and they had to tell us who and what they were taking. Greys went back on their end of the deal, the same way the U.S. government reneged on deals done with Native Americans, and these Grey's even got into firefights with Green Berets in DULCE, NM. Greada Treaty was name of deal with Greys.


PODESTA and the American news Media are trying to get out ahead of the American People on this UFO issue in order to control the narrative AKA PROGRAMMING.


The deep truth is that a secret Navy Program : SOLAR WARDEN already exists. It is Deep Space bound and exists on so many deep levels that it is further than what 99% of people can imagine. SOLAR WARDEN: we already have tons of non-terrestrial officers and a totally breakaway civilization, people!


Provable triangulated data suggests this with over 99% probability.