Christanon ID: 82d0cd May 2, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.803245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260 >>3418 >>5054

Pray for me and my faith. I'd probably be considered a Christian for a bit less than a year now. I attended an Easter service at a small Orthodox church in my city, and it was not an enjoyable experience. In the week that's followed I've seemingly felt my faith crumbling around me, despite reading the Bible almost every day. Questions of legitimacy and correct belief just keep popping up and multiplying right now. It's to the point where I don't know what to believe, about almost anything right now.

Christanon ID: 82d0cd May 9, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.805597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5691

My girl I'm dating's mother is dying of cancer. Please pray for her recovery. This is pretty brutal. She's a very kind woman and far too young to be going through this.


Also I'm an Orthodox catechumen. The more I attend church and classes the more I feel distant from the small faith that I had before hand that drove me to seek out and attend a church in the first place. I now have more questions and serious doubts about the foundational legitimacy of core Christian teachings than I had before one could even call me a "Christian". Maybe its my issue, maybe I'm too flawed, maybe I just need to buck up and just accept the "answers" I've been given; or maybe the church I am at is too flawed. I don't know enough to know. I do know that in my heart, I am actually starting to resent how a lot of Orthodox speak about and view other, non-Ortho Christians when amongst themselves, and that bothers me in a very deep way.


I've started looking up other churches to attend. I've even started wondering if attending church is a fruitful idea at all, or wether I should just study, pray, and meditate on my own.


Either way, please pray for me to find the truth.