that anon is here for a bit if there is a question
This is what I have been doing. Just writing out a Q post but take out the reference to Q. Most people have no idea what Q actually says, they only think Q is about Hillary eating babies. I think these get thru censorship. My twat account seems to be good. Its easy if tedious.
I post at lefties, so retweets are something that isn't gonna happen. Only 70 followers on the twat acct I use this with, but occasionally the reply deboosting is lifted. Get a surprising amount of engagements, but of course no likes. Let them think about the words.
You would be most welcome to make a 'how to' thread on >>>/qrmemes/ . Right now it is mostly 2 of us trying to get alot of memes posted. Some anons have posted some, and its all appreciated.
Stolen for the memeboard
It would be appreciated, feel free to make a new bread if one isn't relevant. o7
Been making some memes like this for twitter. Hopefully get some traction, and have twatfags come look and take what they need.